Sixteen // High Hopes or Reality?

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{Harry's POV}

* The Friday before spring break *

"I think our presentation went pretty well." Louis complimented, nudging me with his elbow as the period ended, both of us walking out the door. Zayn and Liam were one of the first people to leave the room, but I didn't mind; I liked being alone with Louis. I sent him back a big smile. I honestly thought it our presentation wasn't that bad either. Although I was slightly nervous in the beginning like I always am, the way Louis spoke his words with such enthusiasm made the whole presentation less boring and intimidating.

"I think so too. We make a great pair." I nod while we walked down the hall up to the point where we usually depart. Louis simply grinned at me but as he faced away from me I couldn't help but notice his smile was fading away, and replaced with an act of biting his lower lip.

"I-I'll see you at lunch, alright Harry? I'm going to be late for class." He hesitated while forcing a smile. Today was a slightly different schedule which meant lunch would be after 4th period instead. I didn't like knowing he was forcing his happiness. Something was wrong... was it something I said?

"Yeah, I suppose. See ya Lou." I looked him straight in the eyes and he held his gaze for a second before turning away, picking up the pace up the stairs.

I was left there, quite confused. I glanced around, trying to understand what just happened. I got weird looks in return from the remaining students making their way to their next period. I continued my way down the hallway, with my head hung low and gripping on tightly to my backpack straps.

~ ~

"I'm so glad you told me this now Niall, it gives me an excuse to not to spend time with Katrina." I was beyond relieved to hear from Niall that Zayn and the others had certain plans for spring break.

Fortunately, those plans took place the same day that Katrina begged me to hang out with her. All I could think about was that Louis was who I wanted to be with...

The thought of his little shift in mood earlier came back into my mind and let out a heavy sigh. I hope he isn't like that during lunch. I hate to see him upset, no matter what reason.

"No problem mate. That's what friends do. Get out of sticky situations like this." Niall pointed out, laying his hand on my shoulder as we walked to the cafeteria for lunch.

"I was so desperate I would've done anything but spend time with her. I'm not even the slightest bit interested in her, man. I don't know why she's not getting a clue." I huffed, shaking my head.

"Oh I know for a fact you don't. That's because you are in love with..." Niall's eyes widened as he abruptly stopped mid sentence, removing his hand off me.

My eyebrows raised in confusion as I tried to determine what he was trying to say.

"In love with who?" My heart pounded hard in my chest when I had a very strong feeling that he was about to say Louis. I know I should've told Niall and Liam sooner, but this time, something's keeping me from confessing my feelings about Louis even toward my best mate. It was hard enough that I had kept it from myself and denied every thought and every feeling associated with Louis. But how I feel about him is too overwhelming. I'm stuck in deep feelings for him, and there's no way to escape. It doesn't help that Louis pops into my mind like a daily routine. I'm not complaining though... I just can't get him out of my head, and this kind of thing has never happened to me before.

"Um, don't worry about it." He shook his head, avoiding my eyes and picking up his pace.

"No, what did you say?" I caught up to him and grabbed his arm firmly, spinning him around to face me again.

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