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Felix's POV

My alarm is her screaming every night.

Begging me to stop whatever I was doing.

I shook her awake. She hugged me and we had breakfast with cry early in the morning. His flight leaves at 6am.

We all piled into the car with his suitcases and chatted all the way to the airport but something wasn't right.

All the traffic was crazy coming from the airport. People were running all over the street and chasing other people. We stopPed outside the airport. It was eerily quiet.

"Cry I don't think it's safe," I said calmly.

"Let's go home. Fuck this shit," he said as we looked around.

"Dad, I'm scared," whimpered Tayla. My heart melted.

"Don't worry it'll-" and that's when shit. Went. Down.

The doors of the airport exploded as people rushed through. Some people were savaged in places but they ran quickly and purposefully. Tackling others and biting and tearing at them.

"Zambies?" I asked as we sped away.


"Zombies?" Was Tayla's little voice. I looked across to Cry as we reached the exit to the airport. The gates were shut.

"Dad?" She asked shakily. "What are we going to do?"

Dad Pewds mode was on. My only goal to get her to safety.

I turned us around and drove back to the airport building.

"Are you crazy?!" Cry exclaimed as they ran at our car. I shrugged.

"I'll get us close. We run inside. There will be safety there," I don't know where this was coming from.

"The car seems safe," Tayla said and I thought about it until some guy with lifeless eyes smashed against and cracked Cry's window.

"Let's go," we said in unison.

Cry pulled out a motherfucking gun.

"What the fuck cry?!" I said.

"I'll explain later. We have to go," and Tayla was out the door. I bolted after her and we dodged all the crazy people running after us.

Once we were inside it seemed there weren't many zambies.

Until some lady got up off the ground. She had bite marks all over her. She lunged at Tayla and she shrieked. I kicked her right in the face and she fell but got straight back up. I raised my fists but she fell to the ground. Tayla had smashed her in the head with one of the lane rope things.

"Nice," I said. Cry ran in and we all ran to a safe place. That place happened to be a plane that was almost boarded. It was empty. We couldn't close the door because the controls were in the locked cockpit.

We covered it up with trolleys and cushions and anything we could get.

"I need to sit down," Tayla said as we were done.

I looked at a her and she was more pale than the white plane.

"Javla," I said and caught we her before she hit the ground. Her lips were blue.

I rested her on the ground with her legs up and turned her oxygen up.

"Come on," I muttered. Her face relaxed and she started breathing easier. She didn't need the oxygen but her body could barely support itself especially with one lung.

"Great fucking plan Pewds," cry said.

I stood and looked at him shocked.

"We were trapped. What else could we do?" I asked.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"What's with the fucking gun by the way," I asked.

He kept looking at his feet.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"I'm an air Marshall," he admitted.

"The fuck?" I was so shocked. "How could you keep this from me?" I felt so betrayed.

"There's a lot you don't know," his voice was thick as he walked to the cockpit door behind him. He pressed some numbers in and the door slid open. There was a fucking pilot in there.

"What's going on?" He asked and cry held up a badge.

"I don't know sir. Zombies apparently," he said.


"Yes." I spoke up.

"Who are you?" He asked me with narrow eyes.

"Felix Kjellberg. Sir," I added after a second. He nodded and smiled.

"Peter," we shook hands. We told him what we had seen. His radio wasn't working. Our phones weren't working. The plane still ran perfectly fine.

I heard wheezing behind me and Tayla was leaning against the door frame.

"Tayla, nice to meet you," she said nicely.

"Peter," he said. He looked at me questionably.

"Not cancer," I said bluntly. He just nodded.

"So when do we leave?" She asked.

"Leave where?" Cry asked in return.

"To the furthest airport this fuel can get us to," she said seriously and looked at Peter expectantly.

"Oh uh, to the west I can get us to New York," he said. "But I have a wife," poor guy is only our age.

"It's our only chance, I'll leave it with you. Stay and die. Or leave and we might have a chance," she coughed and went back into the passenger area.

"Who is she?" He asked.

"My daughter," I responded.

"How old is she? How old are you?" He asked.

"She's fifteen. I'm twenty four. She's adopted," I explained.

"She looks really old," my eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked a little too harshly.

"Nothing, sorry," cry clicked the gun and pointed it at him.

"You're taking us to New York."

Tayla's POV

I felt really sick and worried about the rattle in my chest and my painful coughs. I don't want Pewds to know about it.



They weren't like the movies. They were fast like humans. They could run like humans. Yet they were mindless.

I felt safer now we were in a secure plane. Peter needs to get his shit together.

Pewds came back and sat beside me. We put our seatbelts on. Ryan stayed in the cockpit.

I gazed out the window until I fell asleep.

I wasn't going to cry or fall apart.

I had become comfortable with the thought of my death a long time ago.

As long as I'm with Pewds and he is okay.

Then there could be an alien invasion and I wouldn't care.

Between London and New York 5 billion people died.

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