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A/N: Hi @deannakurama7181 I included your character request on this chapter. This is the only part that I can pull out for you and not change the story but I hope you like it.

"Act normal and don't look back. We're being followed." Kurama whispered.

On the other hand, you didn't sense anything. Your spiritual awareness was off after the time you fainted in the rooftop of your school. He instructed you to move back when he felt the timing was right. He then ordered the person whoever it was to come out and show himself.

"Eeeek! Please don't hurt me!" A girl wearing black hoodie came out of the bushes. She looked terrified. Kurama who was on guard was also surprised to see a lone girl was the one following you.

The girl panicked. Sweat were forming on her forehead and she started shaking a little. You told her that you have no intention of hurting her.

"Please help me. I'm lost and have no where to go."

The girl explained that she was in the city earlier when some winged creatures attacked them. Due to panic, she ran outside the city to hide but ended up hearing your conversation about a safe place so she decided to follow you.

You and Kurama looked at each other. It seemed like he didn't trust her words but you feel sorry for her.

The girl looked so hungry so you offered her your only food which she reluctantly accepted. You gave her your jacket and helped her calm down. Kurama healed some of her cuts and bruises using herbs. She held your hand and thanked you for your kindness.

"Don't worry. You're safe now. My name is (Y/N), what's yours?"

"I'm Deanna, call me Dede."

She walked with you to a path headed to a clearing. You noticed that Kurama was still on guard but said nothing about it. When you reached an area near a large river, he stopped walking.

Out of no where, a huge creature flew and tried attacking Dede. Before it could hit her, Kurama already pulled out his rose whip and hit the attacker. It was huge and menacing but it was fast despite of it size. Another similar looking creature appeared and charged at the poor girl. Frozen in fear, she could do nothing but close her eyes. You shove Dede away just in the nick of time. She fell down but successfully evaded the attack.

The creature charged back at you. You tried to conjure your weapon but your powers seemed to be sealed. Dede, seeing that the creature was getting ready to strike, shouted to warn you. That helped you to swiftly dodge the blow.

The enemy hit the ground instead of you. The impact was so strong it caused the ground to shake and sent you flying to a nearby tree.

"Help me (Y/N)!!" Dede screamed as the river carried her further and further away from the side.

The cold water made you shiver as you jumped in the river to rescue her. You were able to easily reach her and pull her to safety.

Kurama, who was busy fighting his opponent from a distance was trying to get closer to you but his enemy was blocking the way.

You helped Dede climb back to the river side to catch her breath but suddenly there was a huge explosion. The raging waters of the river crashed and made you lose your grip on the rocks you were holding.

"(Y/N)!!" Kurama's voice was drowned by the water. A whirlpool was pulling you under, deeper and deeper until your lungs screamed for air and you lose your consciousness.


You opened your eyes and quickly stood up to check your surrounding. It appeared that you have been sleeping on Kurama's lap for a while. His surprised forest like orbs shined after seeing you rise.

"Those creatures were gone. You can relax now. Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, just a bit dizzy. Where are we?" you groggily answered.

"We're still inside the forest but we're almost there. Dede is still sleeping."

You look around to see the girl sleeping peacefully on a pile of leaves.

"Good job on bringing the girl here Kurama. You did according to plan." A man who appeared to be a strong warrior appeared. He and 5 other men were all standing in a semi circle near you.

"Now give us the girl and we will complete the mission." The guy added.

Kurama was silent. His mind seemed to be occupied with something.

"What plan? What do you mean about that?" you questioned them.

"I'm sorry princess but we made an agreement with your prince charming that he had to help us in exterminating the threat of mankind."

Another man from the group explained that according to the information gathered by spirit world, your existence in the human world was a part of a greater scheme to eradicate humans and other worlds including demon and spirit world. Other details were top secret and only King Yama knows everything.

"Remember the netherworld? They say King Yama along with his soldiers defeated the revolting demons there and shut them out for good. No one knows how. But the truth is, it was you who single handedly anihilate that world. King Yama made a treaty with you but you broke it."

"Don't listen to them (Y/N),  that's not what they told us." Kurama warned.

"So you really had an agreement with them regarding me?" you asked him back.

"Not this kind of agreement. I'll tell you everything later when we reach a safe place."

"Why didn't you say anything? I trusted you!"

"I wanted to keep you safe. Please believe me. I have no intention to hide the truth from you."

The man who seemed to be the leader of the group signaled Dede to come closer which she did.

"Good job Dede, your ability is really reliable. You manage to completely seal off her powers just by a simple handshake."

"You too Dede?!"

The girl was unable to look at you in the eye. You can't believe that she was just pretending all along.

Knowing that your companions betrayed you, stirred your emotions. Immediately, you sprinted away from that place.

Before you could run far, one of the squad members caught you and grab you by the neck. But, he immediately let go of you due to pain caused by Kurama's attack.

"Lay one more finger on her and you'll regret your existence." Kurama warned the man, his eyes were cold and distant. Different from what you always see in him.

A bit shaken, the man stopped attacking. Kurama stood in front to protect you.

Unexpectedly, a huge powerful  blast was released by three of the men and was quickly heading your way. Fearing for Kurama's life, you hugged him to shield him from it.

Everything happened too fast and all you can see was the bright light caused by the attack. Next thing you knew you were slowly floating in a shiny spiral stairway.

You looked around to find Kurama or the others but you were alone. Your entire body seemed to be shining and you felt  so tired that you closed your eyes and let your body drift away.

"We have been waiting for you (your new
name). Welcome home."

A familiar voice greeted you.

A/N: Thanks for reading and sorry for the super late update. I apologize for the limitations of the words and phrases I used in this chapter and for grammar errors. Please feel free to help me. You can also check my other books (YYH one shots, Kurama book (finished).  Devil's Line and one Tagalog book.) Thanks!

Kurama Has Fallen (KuramaXReader) Under revision And EditingWhere stories live. Discover now