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Being a Teenage Christian Girl in this society is very difficult. Here's a little about me. Now I'm not saying I'm the best Christian, I have my faults, I've been mad at God, I've screamed at God and asked him why, I've used his name In vain, I've ignored God, I've had my share of not wanting to go to church even though I was raised in church. I've struggled with feeling wanted, my place on earth, why was I ever made, and insecurities There's many more but not getting to in detail. My teenage years have been kinda ruff. My family hasn't had the most money, my dad hasn't been consistent in my life etc. but one thing that I've relied on was God. There was a point that i didnt really care abou anything and That's when God became last in my life instead of first. I hated church. I said if my family didn't go to that church I would quit going but they would keep telling me I needed to be there so I went. The thing was I only trust 1 person in my life with my personal issues. I never even talked to him during that time. He kept telling me let's talk stop bottling everything up, and I just ignored him. I thought I could do everything on my own, but oh how I was wrong. July 14-19 of this year 2014 I went to a camp with my Youth called Centrifuge. I went to camp just to go. I didn't expect to learn about anything or take home anything but again I was wrong. I realized at camp that God loves me & really does Care about me. I realized that I needed more personal time with God. That I needed to start reading his word and praising him even in the bad times. I also realized that I needed to be Last. Everything should go before me. At camp I made a few commitments to my fellow youth that I was going to start reading my bible a few times a week and start having personal time with Christ. I did it for the first few weeks. Then as I got more in the routine of life I didn't do it as often but I still did it. Then I got news my grandma has cancer again for the 4th time, but that this is un curable, the most they could do is shrink it and keep confined to this one area. This hit me super hard. I've asked God all of these questions on why her again, I was trying so hard to stay strong for my little cousin that she was asking the same questions and I would have a answer but yet I was contradicting myself because I was asking God all these questions on why her, and why would he do this to her. I don't have it figured out and probably never will but I know God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers and I now believe that. I've struggled really hard with this whole thing and I've realized I haven't been fulfilling my commitments and I need to fix that. I need my personal time with Christ....

My hope for this little book is to help other Teenage Christian Girls or maybe even Boys who struggling in their Faith, or just someone who doesn't know who Jesus Christ is, I would love to be the one to tell them! I hope this helps somebody out!


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