Are You A Christian?

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Some of you are saying Yes, some are saying No. I wanna ask this to those who are saying Yes. Are you truly a Christian? Or, are you saying you're a Christian but you're not acting like one? I'm gonna say right now, if you're saying your a Christian but not living it out, then you should probably re-think that whole idea of a Christian.

Let's say you're one of those who say you're a Christian but yet you're not living it out. What's your excuse? What is your excuse for not Living for God? You may go to Church on Wednesday nights and Sundays or whenever you go to church, but what is that going to do? Are you "to busy for God?"  Those few hours every week at Church don't mean anything if you're not living it out, because that person you met today, or that person you texted, or that person that checked you out at the grocery store, by the way you was acting would they know, hey that person is a Christian? That persons life is dedicated to God?

I'm gonna be honest, I am one of those people who say Yes, I am a Christian. But I do not live it out. I've said time after time that I'm going to change but I never do. I really need to find someone who will help me be Accountable. So what's my excuse? Honestly my excuse is I just don't want to do it on my own. I don't want to take time out of my day to read the Bible. I tell myself everyday Read your Bible, spend time with God today, and I never do. 

Being a Christian really consists of Living your life daily for God, meaning reading your Bible, Praying, personal alone time with God, and mostly living a God like life.

The true meaning of Christian is this...
Christian- Little Christ. 

And Little Christ means to be like Jesus.

So I'm leaving you with this, think about your life. If you're not a Christian but want to be message me we can talk! If you're a 'Christian' but you're not living it out then you need to think about what your telling people. I encourage you this week as well I will be doing, grab your Bible off your shelf. Dust it off, open it and read it. Just 10, 15 minutes. With No distractions. Let's do this together!

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