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What is purity? Purity is basically a promise that you make to God. That promise is that you will not have sex before you are married. That the first time you have sex will be with your husband on your wedding night or whenever you have sex after you get married.

Purity is a huge part of my life, I was in health class one day and we was talking about Sex and stuff and the teacher said something about purity and some people have purity rings. That word "Purity" and "Purity Ring" stuck with me all day whenever I got home I searched what that meant. I felt like God was telling me to make that commitment. I was unsteady about doing that, I thought about all of the negative possibilities. I thought about what if I get made fun of, or picked on or called a Jesus Freak or something. I eventually gave it to God, I prayed to him to guide me through it. Then on 3/24/13 I made the commitment in front of my church family that I would stay Pure.

Now just because you made a commitment of purity doesn't mean that you won't be challenged with impure thoughts, or have the urge to look at pornography or lust, etc.

I'm gonna be honest, I've done some of those things. I know it's wrong but sometimes it just happens. Once I realized how bad it was for my life and my Christian walk i stopped, anytime I see anything impure on twitter or Facebook or whatever it might be I immediately block it.

You're probably thinking, how can you still be pure after doing impure things? Its simple.The Bible say that "If we confess our sins, he [God] is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

We need to realize that we've done wrong, we then need to repent, admit to God what you've done, and then go on remembering stay pure! Don't let the devil get into your mind making you think it's okay to have sex or look at impure things etc. because it's not!

Don't take advantage of God!

Well what do you consider "taking advantage of God"? Don't go and do something you know is wrong and say "oh but it's okay because I know God will forgive me. So I'm just gonna do it this one time, and then ask for forgiveness and then do it over again.

It's a very easy thing to do I know, I struggle with it myself. But I always think, I don't like being taken advantage of, so what would make it okay for me to take advantage of God? Nothing. I mean he did die on a cross for me... Willingly!

One of my favorite bible verses I always go to is Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is Deceptive, and Beauty is Fleeting, for a women who fears The Lord is to be praised."

Matthew 5:8 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

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