1:19 - end

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Alex knew it wasn't a good idea to sleep next to Miles that night. He slept in the spare room, as to give his lover space and time.

The vampire sat in the morning room, his warm tea in a china cup. Jamie soon entered, bags under his eyes.

"Mornin'." The werewolf exhaled, sitting across from Alexander. The vampire, just as exhausted, stirred the tea with a silver spoon.

"How did you sleep?" Alex asked, although he knew the answer.

"Absolute dream." Jamie rolled his eyes. "You?"

"Dream." Alex repeated. "Is Miles still asleep?"

"I suppose. I haven't checked on him." Jamie shrugged, looking out the window. "I can't believe what you said about Miles. I mean, it makes sense, what you...what you think he is."

"I've done some research into his family. I mean, I don't know how common the last name 'Kane' is, but the story I read is practically about Miles' father."

"And...how do you feel about it?" Jamie asked quietly.

Alex sighed. "It changes nothing. I'm in love with that man, you know."

"I can see. Well, look after him. He needs it."

The door burst open, and in stepped Matt. He looked like he'd seen a ghost, ironically.

"Matthew?" Alex exclaimed, noticing Matt's expression.

"You need to come and see this. Now."

Jamie and Alex followed Matt up the stairs to Miles and Alex's shared bedroom. Nothing was different so far. Matt paused and sighed.

"Matt, let us in." Alex ordered firmly.

Matt stared over at his friend. "You're not going to like it."

The ghost pushed down the handle of the door, gently opening it. The first thing the men saw was Nick. He was hunched in a chair, crying. The next thing was one of the maid, sprawled across the floor. She was surrounded by dark, crimson blood. The sheets were covered in blood too, and Miles was nowhere to be seen.

"We've managed to stop the bleeding for now, but we need to help her." Matt explained the strange scene, not to the extent Alex wanted.

"Jamie, I want you to help Matt help her onto the bed, and get the nurse." Alex demanded, and the two men did as they were told. Alex crouched in front of Nick hastily.

"Where's Miles, Nick?"

"Look, Al, I came in here. She was on the floor and Miles was covered in blood. He had a piece of paper and he left it on the dresser. He told me to not tell anyone what had happened, then he left out the window. I swear." Nick cried into Alex's shoulder.

"I believe you, Nick. The dresser, did you say?"

Nick nodded, before allowing Alex to stand. Alex headed to the dresser, and picked up the sheet of paper with Miles' familiar handwriting on it, messier than usual.
Alex's hands were shaking, he was terrified to read what was on the paper. And yet he did it.

I don't know what to say. This is going to be short so I'm just going to let it all out now.
I bit her. Yes, I did it. I couldn't control myself and I felt myself lusting for blood, I couldn't stop it and I know you of all people will understand. I didn't want to hurt her. I tried my best to stop her bleeding.
I knew I had to leave. I'm going to find out who I am. I'm going to discover where I came from. I must've been some sort of monster before a vampire. And I'm going to find that out.
I'm so in love with you. You've given me a home and will and a purpose. Without you, Alexander, I'm nothing. I'll always call you my husband. You are my one love and I will never fall in love again.
Please, forgive me. I will come back. I promise. I'll come back and I'll love you and kiss you and I will marry you properly. You understand, don't you, Al? I don't know when I'll be back. Just know I love you and I'll never forget you.
Your Miles.

The end.

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