2- Cassian

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I like to think of myself as a great warrior. Cause that's what most Fae think of me as. I started my Illyrian training around 500 years ago and since then I rose up in the ranks until I became general of Rhys' army. When Amarantha took over Prythian, I couldn't put that training to good use. My High Lord was Under The Mountain along with my High Lady and that son of a bitch, Tamlin. Honestly, I don't see why the Spring Court was worth saving after what the High Lord of that hellhole did to Feyre. 

I suppose that when Tamlin looked at Feyre, saw her crying over Rhys' body, his stone-heart softened a little. And I can't stop remembering how Nesta threw herself over me and was going to go with me to the other side. But then Elain stabbed the king of Hybern....

Sorry, I'm rambling aren't I? Allow me to introduce myself. I am Cassian of the Night Court. I preside over it as Rhys' general. I am one of his High Lord's closest friends. I met Rhys in the Illyrian war camps. If you don't know what that is, good. You don't. If you do...oh well. Too bad. I guess we're enemies now if you know about the Blood Rite. 

So, right now I am currently getting my face bitten off by Rhys for letting a human girl into Prythian without his knowledge. I kinda get that treatment often. 



I rolled my eyes. "She insisted on going. And besides, Azriel was too polite to say no. Especially when the girl is as beautiful as me." 

Feyre snorted. "That's your excuse?" 

"That is the truth." A sort-of-familiar voice called from the door of the room.

I spun around, meeting Vesna Lupa's violet eyes. 

"Hey there," Vesna strolled up to Rhys and Feyre like she owned this place. 

"Who invited you to just come strolling right up to us like that?" Rhys asked, low and dangerous. 

"Me. By the Cauldron, do you think I'm invisible or something?" Jurian sauntered up next to  Vesna. 

"I would rather you be invisible," Feyre said to Jurian, "then have to remember what happened Under the Mountain." 

Of course, I had almost forgotten what my High Lady went through to get rid of Amarantha. The Middengard Wyrm, the humiliation of that dress and paint. It's not like I was there or anything, but she had told us that. 

Uuuuuggggh. All this bickering is driving me crazy. I winnowed away, far away. In the distance I heard Feyre and Rhys complaining about Likia. Jurian smirking beside them. 

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