Chapter 1

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Sometimes in life you have to learn how to suck it up and fight for what you think is right. Many people will disagree with half the shit you do but the best memories come from the worst decisions. Besides if I don't end up dead, how bad of a decision can it really be.

"So what you're saying right now is that in a couple of months you're going to be marrying me off to a complete stranger family. What do these call these again? Arranged marriages? What, are we in the 1960s all of a sudden?"

When Dad called me to hurry home, I thought there would be pizza home, not a big fuck you in the face. I mean is it even legal to marry so young because if not I'm gonna have to have a stern talk with the prime minister.

Dad hadn't said a word after telling me, I didn't really want him to say anything either, I was afraid I would freak the fuck out again.

"So Dad, do you even know who exactly I'm marrying or you just going to hand me over. No background check, no boyfriend interview? Look I've been a bad daughter I admit but does this really have to be the solution to your problem?"

We sat in silence for a while. I was done talking, it was his turn now. I was an adult now and I wanted to deal with this the adult way.

"You are getting married with the son of my close friend Mr Kim the son's name is Kim Taehyung, I met him he's a nice boy. Anyways, I screwed up and we owe them big money and I don't have that kind of money to pay, so I beg you to this one last favour and please listen to me"

I know it's read to question an adult but does he really know what being married really is, it means being dedicated and loyal to one fucking person for the rest of your life. It means spending time with someone for the rest of my life. I can't do that with someone I just met that's not love.

Feeling rather anxious and uncomfortable with the situation, I rise from the couch and make my way to my bedroom slamming the door shut.

"So Eun come back here this instance, we haven't finished yet!" I could here the faint calls from dad but ignored it.

I'm having a life crisis here I need a moment to get my shit together. I mean who could blame me if I was a hot fucking mess right now. Normally I would go with whatever Dad wants me to do but fuck this, I'm not down with this at all. So I did what a normal teenage girl would do and I sat there crying.

After wiping my snot crazed face up I sat on my bed thinking about absolutely nothing. My mind was blank.

"Kim So Eun" my Dad barely breathed out the words from his mouth and I was starting to get even more disappointed.

"I'm so sorry you can't grow up living with the person you loved most, I'm sorry you can't do that but in order for both of us to live our proper lives, I need you to sacrifice yourself for me, for us"


"I'll pick it up" I said to mum. My eight year old self pressed the phone to my ear and listened carefully. I didn't know who it was but I definitely didn't want to keep talking to this person. I handed the phone to my mum and returned to my drawing

"Pick me up right now" the caller slurred and chuckled as he firmly asked my mum to pick him up. His voice was thick and loud. I could hear the voice clearly as if it was on speaker phone. I remembered being so annoyed at the caller for not being able to drive his goddamn ass home by himself.

Mum was a busy woman, she was working hard at home by herself whilst dad was never at home, she was basically raising me herself.

She seemed so out of it whenever she had to pick dad up. Mom was a good parent and she fucking knew it. She had dressed me warmly with a jacket and scarf and placed me in the car carefully.

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