Cauldron Bubble

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They faced a daily struggle considering that very few people accepted their life choices. Every time they passed people in public together they could feel the eyes staring at them, judging them. Alex would always stammer an apology to Sam whenever someone in the clubs and bars Alex frequented asked uncomfortable questions. Which would have been fine if Alex hadn't also started apologising whenever the people in Sam's favourite hangouts did the same. It was almost unbearable, but together they knew they could make it through anything.

Sam was a hard worker, ever since graduating from college and taking up a high seat at a local Law firm. It wasn't any kind of dream job, though, since Sam's idea of which would have been some kind of musician. It became clear quite early on that no matter how good you were at playing a harp there were always twenty more harp players around every corner. Alex, on the other hand, had always dreamed of being a nurse, and the knowledge that nurse was only the first step in an entire hierarchy in clinical health made the dream grow even faster. Soon it became clear that the glass ceiling was merely the floor to a whole new building to strive through. Sam helped Alex study for those new positions every night. A task that became ever more difficult the more Alex realised how few people were actually accepting of their relationship.

Sam returned home one day and found Alex passed out on the floor, completely drunk. Alex was red in the face, a broken glass and upturned chair lying beside the table. The table in question was covered in used tissues and a quick glance at Alex's bloodshot eyes and stuffy nose made it clear why. Sam sighed, and cleaned up after Alex. “It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault” came the hoarse whisper from Alex’s mouth, tears streaming into the carpet. Sam kissed Alex’s forehead, “Don’t blame yourself, you know that’s not true. We have to be strong. We have to be good role models for our kids. It’s going to be okay.” Alex's eyes were shut tight, and all Sam could see was sorrow. "Everywhere we go, it's always going to be the same. We were fools to think we could ever be together. I shouldn't have put you through all this, I should have just stayed away!"

"What if I gave you my whole life?" Alex's heart melted, at that moment every intricate plan and setting disappeared from the world and all that mattered was the ring in the little box between two people too startled to even register what was happening. Alex was speechless, staring at the ring. Sam swallowed, but no words cane out. A cough was heard, but neither of them knew if it was the one or the other. When the young Lawyer too shy to ask out a nurse said the words "What do you say?" The young nurse too dedicated to date anyone could say only one thing. "Yes..."

Three happy years they'd spent together, making sure their lives were independent enough to raise kids and all that planning amounted to nothing in the face of one man whose sole problem was that one of them had said yes to the other. One morning Sam started to wash up all the dishes Alex had used when a phone started ringing in the living room. Sam picked up a dish cloth and answered the phone. “Williams’ residence, how can I help you?” Sam went silent for a few minutes as the voice on the other end continued to speak in a rushed, excited tone. Sam put down the phone, stunned silent. Tears started streaming onto the top of the table from Sam’s face. Alex jerked awake suddenly and hurried down the hall to Sam’s side, “What happened? What’s going on?” Alex asked urgently, “I felt you crying, what happened?” Sam squeezed Alex’s hand.

“That was Violet, from the orphanage, Mr Woodstock was fired. Our adoption papers were approved. We’re going to be parents!” Alex picked up Sam and danced around the room, a picture of pure happiness across their faces. They rushed into the car and down the road, all the way to the orphanage where Violet was eagerly standing awaiting the ecstatic couple. A wide smile on all of their faces. “Mr Woodstock’s opinion was not supported by the rest of the orphanage’s leaders, he was discharged with immediate effect for his misconduct. I am terribly sorry for this grave inconvenience, on behalf of the board, I would like to apologise for any and all trouble he caused you." Sam smiled “It’s really alright Violet. Just because we aren’t like him, he was bound to be left behind.” Alex squeezed Sam’s hand, they stepped forward and sat down. “Alright then, we would like to get the paperwork over and done with as soon as possible. We would still like to adopt Lisa if that’s alright with you?”

Violet waved the happy family off as they drove away. Angels like Sam and Violet didn't generally marry sorcerers, but she couldn't understand how anyone could hold bias against magic users, the whole orphanage was full of them.

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