Allure of the Unknown (part 1)

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There is a certain damnable fogginess of the mind. A haze, of sorts, that prevents the recall of memory. It's possible that it is initiated as a protective measure against painful experiences, a safeguard in a way, against things better off forgotten. And now, as I lay face down on this cool wooden floor, I am faced with that very problem. I have no knowledge of yesterday, or any day previous.

When left for hours, for so it seems, in a room engulfed in darkness, one is left to do naught but examine his own mind. Even this has proved fruitless, as I've yet to recollect the slightest indication of events leading up to this moment. I remember no reason for being here, bruised, cut, and bound. Failing this the sole stimulation of my sanity is the cold rotting wood beneath me and the staleness of a room untouched for years.

More unnerving than all of these factors though, is the icy breeze that flows through the room from time to time. The logical thought would be to expect nothing of this but an open window, or something of the like. But under circumstances as uncertain as mine, the human mind is subject to excessive caution and fright. Though, my fright is founded on more than just this eerie exposition. I suppose that upon sharing the reason that I am now faced with such terror, you will dismiss the perils I speak of as the ravings of a madman. With this in mind, I shall keep the origin of my hellish terror to myself.

Fortune has granted me a slip of paper, and a manner in which to feebly relate my horrific tale. I feel that I have very little time left dwelling here among the living, so I shall now begin to recount the events of late. I can no longer allow the improbability of these facts to permit doubt within my mind as to their truth. If at any point this message is recovered, the nature of it will almost certainly be subject to intense debate and investigation. I must warn you first that it is in the best interest of your well being to leave this subject untouched. But seeing as any sound human mind cannot dismiss the supernatural, and I assure you that these are in fact supernatural circumstances, you will fail to heed this warning. So it is entirely imperative that before you inquire further, you are informed of... (Here ends the narrative. It is assumed that the writer is drawn away from his work for reasons unknown.)

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