Chapter 1

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As Lucy was walking up to the Fairy Tail guilds huge wooden doors she could hear the explosions coming from inside. She could picture what was happening as clear as day, Natsu and Gray head to head pounding each other with their fists, they would keep going till dusk with some breaks in between. She didn't know why they fought so much it seemed ridiculous to her but she didn't question it, it was routine now as weird as that seemed.

She reached for the golden handle and swung the doors open, just as she expected Natsu and Gray fighting in the middle of the hall, there were chairs flipping and tables whacking against the wall with such force it was amazing how they didn't break.

She sighed as walked towards the bar where she could see Mira and Cana were talking, she could feel the headache coming on. As much as she didn't want to be around this ear splitting noise she didn't want to be alone either. She looked around the room for a certain someone but couldn't find them. As she looked around she noticed Carla, Wendy and Levy talking at a table. Happy flew over their head with a fish in hand, he offered it to Carla with a hopeful smile but Carla made a disapproving noise and turned away. She felt sorry for Happy he kept trying over and over it was sweet in a way. She noticed Elfman and Evergreen sitting together, those two have gotten awfully close these few days but she paid it no mind.

As she sat down next to Cana she noticed Mira look at Cana and nod her head towards her. She ignored it, instead she opted to put her head down on the cool bar, she closed her eyes and covered her ears with her hands trying to sooth the pounding in her head.

"Lucy?" Mira asked hesitantly "Are you okay?"

Lucy lifted her head off the bar and took her hands off her ears, as she opened her eyes they took a few seconds to readjust to the light, as they did she noticed Mira and Cana looking at her with worried looks on their face.

"Yeah" she answered "I just have a bit of a headache and this racket isn't helping"

As another table slammed into the wall she winced and quickly covered her ears.

"Do you want anything? Water? Beer?" asked Mira softly.

"Yeah ill take a water thanks Mira"

Mira just nodded as she walked away to pour Lucy some water. As Mira left Cana turned towards Lucy.

"How have you been" asked Cana

Lucy uncovered her ears as she replied "It's been pretty boring, no new jobs have come up so I've been pretty bored over the past few days"

Just as Cana was about to answer the doors burst open, the wind gushed in and hit her in the face. Lucy recoiled the noise of the doors banging against the wall sending a sharp pain through her head. The figure in the doorway was covered with shadow from the door frame. As the figure walked in a smile came to Lucy's face, it was Erza, the day suddenly seemed better now that she was there. Erza started to walk towards the bar, her heavy armour making a loud thud on the wooden floors. As she reached the bar she took a seat beside Lucy with a heavy clunk.

Mira returned with Lucy's water and placed it gently in front of her. Lucy gave a soft thanks as Mira walked over to Cana to continue their conversation. As Mira left Erza turned towards Lucy.

"Are you okay Lucy you look a bit down" asked Erza worriedly. Her hardened gaze softened as she looked at Lucy.

"Yeah i'm fine I just have a slight headache"

Just as she said that a chair flew past her and crashed into the wall behind the bar, a sorry was shouted from across the hall from either Natsu or Gray. As the chair hit the wall Lucy curled into herself with a yelp, squeezing her eyes shut and pushing her hands into her head as hard as she could in any attempt to stop the pain. Her head was pounding so hard she couldn't think she could only feel pain.

Erza put her hand on her back softly, Lucy could feel the warmth of her hand on her back, it gave her something else to concentrate on and the pain lessened gradually.

"Lucy what's wrong?" Erza asked worriedly.

Lucy gave a meek "The noise" not wanting to make everything louder her headache had lessened but it still hurt. Erza sat in silence for a minute before telling Lucy to cover her ears. She took a deep breath and screamed in her most powerful voice.


As her voice spread throughout the hall the noise instantly stopped and the guild hall was dead silent. No one wanting to make Titania mad whispered to each other, Natsu and Gray knowing better than to annoy Erza stopped fighting and went to separate sides of the hall to rest in silence. Erza smiled triumphantly, she enjoyed the fear she caused even if it was a little worrying. As she turned back to Lucy she lowered her voice back to her normal volume.

"Is that any better" she asked hoping it helped even a little bit.

Lucy nodded "Thanks"

She couldn't believe Erza had been able to silence the whole guild in one order, even Natsu and gray retreated from each other and sat quietly on opposite sides of the room. It was amazing the power and influence Erza had over everyone but she understood it' Erza was one of the most powerful members of the guild everyone knew it was better than to get on her bad side. She found it sweet how Erza would silence the guild just because she had a headache. She could feel her heart beating faster as Erza smiled at her and she felt the happiest she had felt in the past few days.

Erza winked at Lucy "Anytime"

Lucy felt her face heat up and could guess her cheeks were as red as the blood flowing through her veins. She smiled and looked down trying to hide her blush.

A few stools down the bar Cana and Mira were observing the exchange with smiles. They both gave each other knowing looks.

"They would be so cute together" Mira commented.

"They would" Cana agreed with a smirk "I might just have an idea that could benefit both of us"

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