Chapter 4

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Erza was standing in front of the huge guild doors mentally preparing herself for the madness inside, she could hear the chaos through the outer walls. She was still tired from her last job and wasn't in the mood to deal with the chaos of the guild but there was someone she was looking forward to seeing that would make it all worth it. She took a deep breath and swung the wooden doors open,she noticed everyone was staring at her, that was weird but she was too tired to care.

As she was about to start walking towards the bar someone whacked into her side and tripped over her leg, she grabbed the person falling before they could hit the ground and pulled them towards her. When she looked down to see who it was she went red. She had Lucy held against her, they were so close she could feel her breath on her skin.

She stepped back as quick as she could muttering a quick "sorry".

Lucy looked up at Erza confused "Im the one that should be sorry, thanks for catching me" Lucy gave awkward laugh.

Erza smiled back at her, her heart was beating faster than it ever had before. She took a breath and composed herself.

"Want to sit at the bar?" Erza offered.

"Sure" she replied

They sat down on the wooden stools. Erza was about to ask Lucy why she was getting so many stares when Natsu came running over to her shouting

"Erza! Erza! Fight me" He had a look of determination on his face. Erza groaned she did not want to deal with Natsu.

"No" she stated.

She turned to Mira and asked for some cake, Mira nodded and went off to find some.

"Erza" shouted Natsu

"What" Erza hissed.

"Fight me!"


"Is the great Titania a chicken? Erzas a chicken! Erzas a—

Erza stood up and put her hand over his mouth stopping him from talking.

"Fine but let's take this outside, we don't want to wreck the guild...again"

She headed outside and Lucy followed behind her curious of how this would go. Erza's cake was left abandoned on the bar counter. As she got outside she noticed that most of the guild had gathered in a circle around her and Natsu.

She turned to Natsu "You Ready?"

"Before we start want to make a deal" Natsu offered.

"What's the deal" she questioned.

"If you beat me I will buy you another cake but if I win you have to give me your cake." Natsu stated.

"Sure an extra cake sounds good to me" she said as she got ready to fight, she knew she just had to wait for an opening and one hit would knock Natsu down, lucky for her Natsu was very careless with his fighting so she wouldn't have to fight for too long and she could get her cake.

Natsu got ready to fight, summoning his fire. Erza pulled out her duel swords and got ready. They circled around each other a few times before Natsu got impatient and lunged for her with fire emerging from his fists. Erza expected this and dodged just in time, she turned and swung her swords at one of Natsu's many openings. Natsu collapsed to the ground once her swords made contact. He had a look of defeat on his face as he recovered on the floor. Erza put away her swords heading back into the guild to get her cake. Everyone in the circle just stared as she left, this was possibly the fastest she had ever beaten Natsu in. After a minute the crowd dispersed. Lucy headed back into the guild to congratulate Erza. She plopped down on the stool beside Erza who was eating her cake looking the happiest she had today.

"Good job Erza, that may have been the quickest you've ever beaten Natsu" she announced.

Erza gave a light chuckle "Thanks, it might have been, it won't be the last time i'll have to beat him"

Mira came up to them, she was working the bar and missed the fight.

"Who won" she questioned with smile.

"Do you really need to ask" Erza asked amused.

Mira just laughed "I guess not"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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