Chapter 3

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The next day the group gathered in the guild hall early in the morning, the sun had barely risen but everyone was up and ready. As Lucy walked in she seen Mira getting the bar ready for the day, over in the corner of the hall there was a group gathered around a table. Lucy wandered towards them and as she got closer she could hear arguments starting about who got first go at getting trying to get Erza's cake. Lucy sighed as she reached the table knowing she would have to resolve the issue.

"I want to go first!" yelled Natsu

"Shut up flame brain im going first!" barked Gray

"No your not droopy eyes!"

"Yes I am slanty eyes!"

"Break it up yous two" interrupted Lucy "Were not going to solve anything from fighting, let's put our names in a hat to decide the order"

Everyone nodded in agreement. They found a hat laying around a put their names in it and then shook it up. Lucy drew the names.

"First up is.....Natsu"

"YEA! Im going to win!" he roared as he pounded his fists together. Gray scowled at him from across the table.

"Second is Levy then Gray, Wendy, Levy and finally me" she announced.

"Once Erza's here were going to fight!" Natsu declared.

Everyone separated, Lucy headed towards Mira, she sat on a stool at the bar.

"How's the bet going" questioned Mira

"So far so good, everyone's excited, some a little too excited" she nodded her head towards Natsu.

Mira chuckled "He's always looking for challange"

"This is one he won't win, going head to head with Erza is a terrible idea" she answered.

Mira nodded in agreement "I guess we'll have to see how it all goes"

"Should be interesting" remarked Lucy.

Cana came sauntering over to the bar looking like she barely got any sleep. She flopped down onto the stool beside Lucy. Mira walked over to her.

"Beer Cana?" asked Mira

Cana grinned as she replied "You know me so well"

Mira giggled. Lucy could see a light blush on her face, interesting. As Mira wandered off to grab Cana's beer Cana swung her stool towards Lucy.

"Who's going first in the bet?" asked Cana

"Natsu" answered Lucy

"Im guessing he's going to try fight her" Cana chuckled.

"Of course he is he's Natsu" laughed Lucy.

"How long do you think he'll last" pondered Cana

"A minute at most" she commented.

"And who do you think is going to win the bet" Cana was giving her a sly look.

"Honestly no one, you would have to trick her into giving you the cake and you know how she is about cake, it's an impossible task" Lucy speculated

Before Cana could reply Mira came back with her beer and set it down with a thud before wiping away the spilled beer that poured over the edges. Cana was helping Mira clean up her mess she was wiping some of the spilled beer when her hand brushed off Mira's, she instantly drew her hand back with an awkward smile and a blush covering her cheeks. Mira was the same red covering her cheeks, she replied with a low giggle.

"Cute" Lucy remarked before getting up and going to search for food. She would need it with everything that was going to happen today. It was going to be a busy day.

The Bet - ErluWhere stories live. Discover now