Chapter. 18

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Arya was standing in front of the new group of would be battle mages, taking a breath since these were going to be soldiers she had to break them down. OK MEN AND I USE THAT WORD LOOSELY. Shouting at them to get into their heads. "YOU WERE SLOTTED TO BE BATTLE MAGES AND IT'S MY JOB TO TRAIN YOU. MANY OF YOU KNOW WHO I AM SOME OF YOU HAVE NO IDEA. MY NAME IS ARYA KONA, I AM FROM ANOTHER WORLD, SO WHAT IM GOING TO TEACH YOU REQUIRES NO STAFF, SO THROW THEM AWAY." Battle mage regulars walked down the lines and took the staves and burned them.

Just at that moment the dragon slaying party arrived. "I need a drink after that Frostback." Bjorn said dismounting his nug. "I have the perfect thing boss," Iron Bull said also dismounting. Varric and Sera just jumped off their horses and led them to the stables and removed their tack. "You took good care of your mounts." Horse master Dennit said as he took the reins from the riders. "Dont worry I will keep them well fed and maintained." Now leading them to their stalls.

"Give me an ale Cabot." Bjorn said sitting on the stool as Cabot slid him two bottles and a mug. "I know how much you drink, and i have others to serve drinks to." Letting out a bellowing belly laugh Bjorn poured his ale into his mug as he tossed Cabot three gold, which told him that he wanted more then what he had given him. Cabot went into the back, moments later sounds of barrels banging together sounded from the room. Cabot soon appeared with a large barrel. "Again I know how much you drink."

Bjorn smiled and downed his first mug. At that moment Bull entered with a small keg on his shoulder and sat down next to Bjorn produced two mugs, and poured the barrel's liquid into both of them. "Here to slaying a high dragon like warriors of legend." Bjorn took it, looked at the dark liquid, then cocked an eyebrow at Bull. "What is it?" Bull coughed after a sip and smiled. "Marras Lok."

Bjorn rolled his eyes at the Qunlat word. "And what in oblivion does that mean?" Bull raising his cup smiled again. "It means drink." Bjorn shrugging his shoulders, then downed it in one go, burped and held his mug out for some more. "That good stuff." Bull now astonished at what he was seeing widened his eyes. "How the fuck are you able to tolerate it like that?" It was Bjorn's turn to smile. "My ma's homemade meade was so much stronger and she made a lot of it." Shaking his head, Bull poured him another drink.

"Is there any grass or mountains here?" Jorgen asked as he looked around the Western approach. "How about a hill that's not sand?" Blackwall chuckled at Jorgen. "It's the desert lad, it's going to be flat." Vivian voiced her disgust at the landscape. "This will destroy my shoes and dress. Why are we here?" Aadar looked back to her, "following a lead from warden Stroud about the rest of the Grey wardens."

With that he spurred his elk on to get to the structure he was told about. Arriving at the structure they encountered the warden mages and a Tiventer magister that were performing blood magic. "Fuck this." Jorgen said as he killed the warden mages and wounded the Tiventer mage. Grabbing him Jorgen dragged him over to the Inquisitor. "Speak you little maggot."

Jorgen said in fury. "My name is Lord Livius Erimond of Verantiam, and I serve the elder one." An explosion erupted right behind the group letting the mage get away. "He was raving about Adament before we interrupted" Stroud said. "So we go there" Aadar said with a sinking feeling at what he now had to do. "Jorgen we will need your father for this next assignment, it will take a few days to organize the assault."

Nodding Jorgen ran down the ramp and mounted his war nug he was almost as tall as his father and stalrim heavy armor was not lightweight. "I will ride ahead, see what you can do to stabilize the region Aadar." With that he rode off at full speed.

"So this is Skyhold." Elizabeth finally returned from scouting Haven. It took her three days to find the path up the mountain."Big sister your here." Turning to her left, Elizabeth smiled as she saw Skagi and Ingrid running to her, she knelt down and they tackled her into a hug. "It's good to see you two again how I missed you two."

Squeezing them she let them go as they ran back off. "I hope those two never change." She said feeling of happiness well up in her at the way her young siblings greeted her. "Hard to believe they are six already, damn time flies."

With that she walked over to a soldier. "Elizabeth Iron-hide reporting back from scouting Haven." The soldier pointed up at a tower. "The commander is in there." Inclined her head to her and walked up the stairs to the battlement. Knocking on the door she heard Cullen yell to come in. "Haven Scouting complete sir."

Cullen looking up now with a grim expression on his face. "How bad was it?" Elizabeth visibly steadied herself and took a breath. "Total annihilation no way in except through the hidden path." Cullen looked extremely disheartened at that. "Damn" he shouted slamming his hand down on his desk.

Elizabeth walked forward to see what he was working on before she arrived. "What's this?" She pointed at the plans he was drawing up. "The Inquisitor sent a crow we need to plan an attack on Adament the Grey warden stronghold."

He was looking increasingly frustrated at it. "Why don't you take a break you wont come up with a better plan while you are flustered." Cullen let out a breath and stepped back. "Your right, but I don't know what to do other than this." Pointing with his hand to the plans. "How about we go get a meal and a drink at the tavern?" Elizabeth suggested. "Wether you join me or not I'm going because I am as hungry as a horker." Turning around she started heading out. Cullen now found himself staring at her posterior and shook the thought out of his head. "Ok I'll join you."

Bjorn and Bull were completely pickled now and were singing the dirtiest diddy something about three ball Jon and a goat. When Cullen and Elizabeth walked in. Elizabeth walked in first for Cullen had held the door open for her. Now finishing his latest drink Bull cleared his throat. "Hey bosh isn't tha your daughter over thar." Trying to point to the door.

Bjorn now squinting his eyes opened them back up. "Aye thas my girl alri." Finishing his drink he set the mug down and stumbled over to the table her and Cullen occupied and promptly gave her a hug. "Hey Liz...zie" his speech heavily slurred "haven't seen you for a few days glad your bhack" looking at Cullen now he brought up a finger to point at him "remember what I tooled you Rutherford" with that he stumbled back to Bull as he was pouring them another drink. "Another round Bull?" Bjorn asked as he sat down. "Yes" only using one word responses for he didn't trust his slurred speech. "Here's too... what were we toasting earlier?" Bull tried to think. "I don't remember."

Bjorn shrugging now "fuck it let's drink some more." With that they clinked their mugs together and downed the ale, the drink Bull had originally brought was long gone.

"I'm putting two sovereigns on my dad" Elizabeth said looking at the two drunks. "I'm not even going to take that bet, we both know Bull will be under the table if they went drink for drink" Cullen said shaking his head and sipping his ale. Now a little bummed at not having a bet Elizabeth looked at her father, and then back at Cullen. "What did my father mean by remember what I told you?" Cullen now feeling a little embarrassed, went beet red. "He thinks I'm trying to court you." He didn't even look at her when he said it. "Funny because I'm trying for you." Cullen's eyes bulged wide at what he was hearing. Not knowing how to respond he just kept drinking his ale.

Arya now finished with today's training walked over to the tavern to get something to eat. "Dah dah dah da." Looking at where the awful singing was coming from as she saw Bjorn and Bull each had an arm on the other's shoulder, swaying back and forth loudly singing terrible as they drank.

Walking up behind Bjorn she tapped him on the shoulder. "Ahem" Bjorn froze he knew that tone no matter how drunk he was, he knew Arya was extremely pissed off right now and it was directed at him. Him and Bull both gulped as they slowly turned around. - bull at this point had a tongue lashing from Arya about his and Bjorn's drinking before, and it was not pleasant -. Arya grabbed them both by the ear and dragged them outside and up the battlement.

"That ain't good. Elizabeth said as she knew what was coming her father's way. "What just happened?" Cullen asked as he stared at the door in astonishment. "Ma ain't happy with pa or Bull right now, and since she's pregnant it's going to be worse then usual." Looking at Cullen she gestured to the backdoor. "Let's get out of here before she spots us." Knowing what she ment he followed her out of the tavern as the sound of Arya yelling at Bull and Bjorn was still going on.

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