Chapter. 19

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"What were you skever brained idiots doing?" Neither Bjorn or Bull wanted to meet her gaze when finally Bjorn decided to bite the arrow. "Celebrating killing that high dragon dear." Arya stared daggers at Bjorn. "And you didn't think to let me know you were home? That you were going to celebrate? I had a plan for that tonight and you two drunk horkers threw it out the damned window," she threw a fireball their was. They dodged to the side as Arya stomped off in fury.

"Damn boss how the hell do you keep her happy?" Bjorn now feeling a bit more sobered by the ordeal just shook his head. "Usually? By staying sober and providing for our family, she absolutely hates when I get this drunk. But she keeps me grounded because if not for her I'd have given into the beast long ago." With that they went their respective ways.

Slamming the door behind her she sat at the counter. Everyone in the tavern was making a point not to look at her or towards her, or even near her. "For such a little thing you have one hell of a temper." Cabot said putting a plate of lamb chops and mashed potatoes in front of her. She picked up a fork and just ate, too angry to speak right now.

"Damn Aadar you got here fast I even took off before you." Jorgen and Aadar walked into the tavern laughing at the fact that Aadar beat Jorgen to Skyhold even though Jorgen left first. Turning to face the bartender Jorgen sat at the counter when he realized his mother was sitting next to him. "Hey Arya-" Jorgen put his hand up to stop Aadar before he could finish that sentence.

"She is pissed off, now's not the time to speak to her." Waving to a stool to his left for Aadar to sit next to him. "Well as soon as you find your father let him know that we need him for the assault on Adament." Aadar said gesturing to Cabot for a drink.

Now calming down Arya now felt bad for scolding Bjorn and Bull. Jorgen noticing that his mother's body language calming down got her attention. "What did pa do this time?" Bewilderment coloring her expression, Arya cocked her head at him. "You only get pissed off like that when pa does something. What did he do?"

Sighing she looked away from him. "He and Bull were celebrating killing that high dragon and he didn't tell me he had returned." She shook her head. "I had a plan for the celebration once he got back but it got ruined. I even made some lutefisk for him." It was Jorgen's turn to shake his head at his mother. "Ma I've bit my tongue for most of my life with you, but I can't do it anymore." Furrowing his brow, he put a stern look on his face.

"Did you tell him about your plan?" Thinking back Arya shook her head. "That's why he did it you didn't fucking tell him, you never tell him anything when you want to do something." Anger colored her face as she opened her mouth to retort. Jorgen put his hand up to forstall her response. "I know you love him ma, but you don't communicate to him enough you need to relax, enjoy life - yes I know easier said then done especially while you are pregnant-" her shock must have shown for Jorgen gave a slight smile.

"You get bitchier when you are pregnant ma, always have I've been there for three now four pregnancies." Taking a sip of his wine he continued. "You need to loosen up not get so angry, I know you are hot headed but you need to try to reign that temper in except in certain circumstances such as in battle, or if pa decides to fool around behind your back - which is highly unlikely he loves you too much - find a hobby and most of all, you need to stop being so confrontational to everyone with how you act you'd think you were a nord like pa and me." Now finished scolding his mother and expecting to be yelled at by said mother Jorgen took a breath. Arya just nodded her head and resumed eating her meal.

Elizabeth and Cullen were walking through the gardens now. "This place is rather beautiful." Elizabeth said picking a flower and smelled it. "I suppose it is, but I haven't an eye for beauty in these things." He said while pointing with his hand and encompassing the entire area. "Oh? I think you do commander." Elizabeth said with a coy smile as she turned around.

"Well I have to get back to my room now." She said and walked over to Cullen and kissed his cheek and whispered into his ear. "Why don't you join me?" Grabbing his hand she led the way back to her room, Cullen now had a excited grin on his face.

"You feel that Ingrid?" Nodding her head at her brother. "Yep mama is mad at papa again." The twins could always feel when their mother was angry at any particular person but not the reason. "I still hate this sense we have Skagi." Looking at her he nodded in agreement. "Makes me feel all tingly when it happens, but we at least know when to avoid ma." With that they continued practicing their sneaking as they climbed the walls to the main tower.

Putting a finger to his lips he told her to be silent. A few moments had passed and he gestured for them to continue. "What made you tell me to be quiet?" Ingrid asked now completely out of breath at the top of the tower. "Nothing I just wanted quiet." Skagi said with a butter wont melt in my mouth expression.

Bjorn finally made it back to his room, it had been almost an hour after Arya had chewed him and Bull out for what she said ruined her plans. -She always gets bitchier when she is pregnant.- he was so drunk that he could barley understand his own thoughts. "Ahh shit I'm too tired to deal with this, time for bed." Laying back he reached over and grabbed the blanket and curled up under it and drifted to sleep in seconds.

The next day Bjorn woke up with a ravenous hunger and thirst. He looked over at the bed and the figure of Arya was pressed into him as if she was using him to comfort herself. Grabbing one of her hands he gently pulled it off of himself and softly placed it on the spot where he was.

Now getting up he pulled more of the blanket over the still sleeping Arya and kissed her forehead. After that he grabbed a shirt and a pair of boots then made his way to the tavern. On the way he ran into Bull. "There you are how are you after last night?" Bull grimacing at the thought now. "My mouth is dry, the lights hurt, and my head is pounding, other than that I'm good." Bjorn laughed and entered the tavern.

Cabot now putting a mug and a barrel in front of Bjorn, who now put his hand up. "Not right now Cabot I need some food, give me the steak and eggs." Cabot gave the ghost of a smile as he went to the back and put the order on the chef's line. A stumbling Jorgen now walked on into the tavern and sat next to his father.

"Did ma make it back ok last night?" Bjorn gave a nod in response to the question. "Good. Now I have something to discuss with you pa." Bjorn looked at his son and cocked his eyebrow. "We need you for the assault on a stronghold called Adamen,t it is the home to the Grey wardens-." Jorgen couldn't even finish his sentence as his father let a broad smile crease his face. "Where and when?" Bjorn asked as his smile turned extremely feral. "Aadar will let you know when it's time for us to go." A plate was put in front of Bjorn and he devoured it with purpose in his eyes.

The Nord in The Inquisition. (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now