{1} The Dog

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"Tracy, run and don't look back!  I'll distract them!"  

"But, what about you?"

"Don't worry about me worry about yourself! Now run!"

And so I ran, I ran- only focusing on my uneven breathing.  Completely ignoring the gunshots ringing behind me.


"Did everything come out alright girls?" A voice from below asked.  Tracy groaned as she looked toward the road from the tree she was perched on.  Annoyed of being woken up from her somewhat peaceful sleep.  There were two small girls-  bot around the same age as Tracy having their wrists tied up by a man in some stupid camouflage clothing.  They were put in the back of a van and drove off.  After two years of surviving in an apocalypse, Tracy knows not to risk her own life trying to save another.

Walking along the dirt road Tracy asked herself;  How long does it take to get to Wellington on foot?  She shook her head sighing, not even sure if Wellington is real herself.  Readjusting the straps of her duffel bag Tracy took out her compass knowing that if Wellington was indeed real it would be North.  After finding out she was heading the right way Tracy stuffed her compass in her hoodie pocket wanting to keep it safe and harder to grab.  In the apocalypse, a compass sure does come in handy.

Rustle~  There was a rustling noise in a bush not too far from Tracy.  "What the..." The young girl muttered, trailing off at the end as she slid her hunting knife out of her belt strap.  She inched forward the bush as the rustling continued, getting ready to strike.

Rustle~  Rustle~

  . . .


. . . 

    . . .

The figure jumped out of the bush all of the sudden surprising Tracy making her fall back with her knife sliding out of her hand.  Tracy sat up and groaned finally realizing her knife was missing she panicked as she looked over at the figure to see-


Tracy looks at the dog instantly realizing the dog was a boxer-type-breed

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Tracy looks at the dog instantly realizing the dog was a boxer-type-breed.  Confused as to why a dog was out in the middle of the woods in the first place Tracy looks at the dog as it walks toward her seeming as if it were smiling.  The dog licked her face and she pushed it away making a disgusted noise "Euck..."  She looks at the dog and scratches it behind its ears.  The dog seemed to like it as it leaned into the young girl's gentle touch.  Tracy smiled, the paused looking at the sun beginning to set.

"Oh- Shoot!" She mumbled, her Georgia accent getting the best of her.  She then gets up and grabs her knife sliding it back where it belongs.  Tracy started walking but then paused.  Looking over at the boxer she asked it "Well, you coming or what?"  The dog instantly perked up- following close behind Tracy as she scanned the area looking for someplace safe to sleep tonight.  God knows she can't go another night sleeping on a tree branch.  It does stuff to your back.  She then saw a particularly small cabin not too far ahead. Smiling to herself Tracy looked at the happy dog.  The dog barked and ran toward the cabin.  Tracy giggled to herself as she watched the dog basically bounce toward the cabin.  She then listened for Walkers.  Hearing or seeing none near her she happily ran toward the dog who just reached the cabin.

Once Tracy reached the door she tried the handle already know it was going to be locked up pretty tight- "Oh." Tracy said surprised.  The door was unlocked.  The young girl looked down at the rather big dog.  Seeing as it was still sitting there wagging its tail she assumed it was safe enough to walk in.

It was a rather small cabin seeing as it only contained a bedroom and a bathroom.  Tracy assumed it used to be just a temporary get-away for whoever used to own it.  The young girl walked over to the bed-side table setting down her dirty and old hat while setting her heavy duffel bag on the floor.  She then sat on the bed with the dog jumping up to lay down comfortably next to her.  She smiled down at the dog scratching it behind the ears.  The dog rolled on its back allowing Tracy to scratch its stomach.  "At least I know you're  male now..."  Tracy muttered to the dog disgusted "You don't have a collar...So should I name you?" The dog yipped in response and Tracy began thinking.

"How about "Buddy?" She asked the dog "Ya like that name?" The dog seemed to smile as she returned one back.

"Who are you?"


Hellooooo Everyone!  Now I know I totally rewrote the story but that's because I wasn't very satisfied and happy with how it was originally.  But- this...Is A yEs fOr MeEe.

I'm so sorry.

Wait- did ya notice that I'm adding a character???

I'll give you a hint;

They're from Season 1...And you thought they were dead.

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