Chapter 1

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Dear dairy

My dad was my bestfriend, is my bestfriend he has been sense him and my mom broke up . I live with him now. My brother Justin he lives with our mom. She's okay I don't spend much time with her. She's always more hard on me then she is Justin and I think that is because she wants me to be the perfect daughter. But how can you be perfect when your 8
- Love Sydney

" syd your on in 5 " my manager said " okay " I reply putting my dairy in my bag. I always read a entry before I go on stage. It gives me some sense of comfort, it makes me feel like I'm taking a piece of my younger self on stage with me. I go into the bathroom checking my makeup, fixing my short dress.
" 2 minutes "I place my hand on my stomach taking in a deep breath. I take my other hand and flip off the bathroom light. Keeping my hand on my stomach i follow the tall security guard leading me to the stage.
The crowd is roaring. I take the mic and wait for my first song to come on before I make my way on stage. The music finally starts, I put the famous smile on my face and run on stage. I manage to sing every word right and every song beautifully. I don't miss a beat and I make sure to keep a smile throughout it all.
" thank you Utah. Goodnight "I scream through the mic. I run offstage handing the mic to the tall man I then follow my manager to the dressing room. I plop down on the big couch I was on before taking another look at my dairy. He's talking but I don't really hear his words. " Sydney did you hear me " he said "whag" I say looking up holding my finger on the spot I was reading " I said we are leaving Utah tonight. We are making a stop at Benny's to get something to eat then we will head out " okay sounds good " I say going back to the dairy rereading the whole entry again. Soon I grab everything, shoving my dairy into my duffle bag. I put my coat on and follow my team to the tour bus. I go to the long bed in the back plugging in my headphones and listening to the soft sounds of Rhys Lewis's voice. I love the sound of love songs even tho I've never experienced love myself. I fell asleep after I changed the song a couple times until I found the right one. A banging noise was coming from outside the truck waking me up. I looked around checking my surroundings " hello " no answer " anyone there " still no answer so I get up and look around. Everyone was gone. I open the trailer door and look around. Benny's in bright orange letters glare at me. I get off the truck looking around trying to find where the banging noise had came from. I trip over a crack in the ground falling onto the concrete " shit " I moan as I hit the ground " are you okay " a soft spoken but deep voice says " yeah, yeah I'm fine " he reaches his hand for me to use to stand up " your bleeding " he says. I look down at me knee " yeah I guess I am " I say " let me help you with that. I got a first aid kit in my truck " he mumbles " okay " he helps me to his truck. He lets down his tail gate and picks up and sits me on it. " I'm guessing your not from here " he says making eye contact as he opens the kit " no, I'm from, ow Kansas " I say through gritting teeth trying not to scream from the pain " sorry I should have said it would hurt " he flashes this apologetic smile " it's fine really " he makes more eye contact the whole time he bandages my knee " ow " I say with a little laugh " sorry again, this is a pretty deep cut you may need stitches " he says looking worried " no I'm fine seriously I'll be okay " I say trying to ease my own worry " okay all down " he helps me down and smiles " thank you again " I say with a warm smile " no problem " he says walking away to put the kit back in truck. I start to walk away but stop myself " what's your name " I say looking back at him " Adam " " I'm Sydney " I say stepping a little closer to him " I know who you are " he says stepping a little closer to " why didn't you scream my name " I say making a joke " just because I know you doesn't mean I'm a fan " he says with a harsh tone " damn okay " I say offensively " nothing personal your just not what I call good " " because I can't sing or I'm not hot enough " I say , " you can sing and your hot like totally hot but your songs there plain no meaning behind them " he manages to say. I step closer to him trying to figure him out " I think my songs are great " I spit " and I'm sure your parents think so to. But let's be honest princess daddies money can't make everyone like your album. he might be able to buy your friends off and make them buy your album but for everyone else sorry sweetie it don't work like that " he steps closer to me now inches away from me " you don't a know a damn thing about " I back up walking away heading into Benny's. What a prick. I sit in the seat away from everyone else sinking into it. Putting back in my headphones drifting asleep. " hey it's closing time I need you to leave " someone says taping me " yeah I'm sorry " I walk out of the restaurant looking for my bus " what the hell " I through my hands up looking around. They left me. Damnit I grab my phone from my pocket wrapping my jacket around me more. " hello " " you have reached the automatic voice message system "
" FUCK " I scream " damnit "
" you okay " I turn around to see the same guy from earlier " do you live here why the hell are you still here you stalking me or something " I say " no need to flatter yourself honey. I work here. Leaving now actually " he says walking away " sorry I'm just mad. My bus left me " I say trying to stop him " not my problem " he says Turing to leave again " can you just wait " I say trying to follow him " what" he says turning around " where's the closest bus station " I say pulling my jacket even tighter then before " you, on a bus ahaha right " he says " no seriously I have to get Arizona. I have a show in 2 days " I say hoping he will help me " I'll tell ya what. You trust me and I'll get you to Arizona " he says with a smirk on his face " no I don't know you. " I say backing up " you can get to know me on our way to Arizona " he says stepping closer reaching for my hand " no " I say smacking it " I'm not going to Arizona with you " " suit yourself " he starts to walk away. He gets half way to his car when this big truck pulls up and a large man gets out and starts walking towards me " fine wait " I say chasing after him " I'll go with you under one condition " I say he smiles " and what's that " " you have to make one stop before we leave " he looks down at me confused " where at "
" my moms house " I say

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