Chapter One

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Paige's POV:

It's so boring on the bus! Luke, my brother, asks me to play the Xbox with him. He puts in FIFA. We into almost half of the game and, of course he's beating me by 3 points. He's close to scoring another goal when his phone rings. He pauses the game and says, " Hold on I'll be right back."

"Okay, wait is that Loryn?" I ask.

"Yeah, she is meeting us later, why?"he asks back.

"OMG! Why is she calling? I can never spend time with you!" I said with rage.

"Are you mad, Paige? Come on, I really like her," Luke said.

"Whatever," I said, waiting until he went to the back to unpause the game. I was now beating him by 2 points. "Ha, beat this Luke!" I said, loudly.

"Really? What's all the noise fo- Eww FIFA," Ashton said, coming around the corner.

"Yeah, got a problem?" I asked him.

"Nope," he said and he walked back to his bunk. Luke came out & looked at the TV screen and started laughing.

"Really Paige? You are such a cheater!" he said playfully.

"Yeah, so?" I said back.

"Nothing, but we are at the airport. I'll be back," he said stepping of the bus. As soon as he did, my phone rings. I check my caller ID and it says "Bestie <3". "Hey Asia," I said,excited.

"Paige, I'm so mad! These plane people are bein' rude and disrespectful! I missed my plane and they are gonna try and call me to tell me that the flight was canceled, but 15 minutes later say that I missed my plane! I LIVE 5 MILES AWAY FROM THE AIRPORT!" Asia said. She sounded ticked!

"Okay calm down, I'll tell Calum about it. See you in Denver tomorrow!" I said, trying to get her to calm down.

"Kay bye, Paige," Asia said and I hear in the background, "People and these planes! Be gettin' on my nerves!" I guess she forgot to hang up , so I did. When I did Loryn entered the bus.

"Hey Loryn," I said with a fake smile.

"Hey," she said, with her and Luke's hand intertwined and him and the boys with her stuff not far behind. She walked with him back to where the bunks were.

I heard Michael scream from the back, "Let's go get some pizza!"

"No Michael, we just got pizza two nights ago!" I yelled.

"I don't care and neither does Daniel. He wants a pizza to himself," Michael replied. I sighed loudly and picked up the phone.

Loryn's POV:

Luke has no idea what he's gotten himself into. Even though I genuinely lke him, I only got with him for one thing... money.

"So, what have you been up to?" Luke asked me.

"Oh, nothing. Just trying to get as much from you as I can- Uh, I mean missing you," I answered, he looked puzzled.

'What'd you say?" he asked, looking hurt.

"Luke, I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. I really do-" Luke cut me off.

"Shut up," I was surprised at his aggressiveness. "I poured me life into you, and gave you everything and this is what I get in return?

"Luke, I'm sorry, honestly. I didn't mean to hurt you," I said, my eyes welling up with tears. He totally ignored me and walked to where everyone was. I sat there in awe of what just happened. I guess we are done, one side of me said. Yeah you really messed this time, another side of me said. I grabbed my stuff and stayed in the back.

I heard Luke say to the bus driver," Hey, stop at nearest gas station." Right then I knew he was serious.

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