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>Y/N's POV<

The guys came back after 30 minutes of being with Mason, they all sat down around the couch, obviously exhausted over something but I didn't want to ask.

"Hey so Chad invited us to a party tonight, wanna come?" Swagger asked me, a party? I didn't quite enjoy parties since I'm really shy and anti social even though I know these guys.

"Uh sure, just for a little bit though" It's just a party, I have my friends with me. I decided to go to my room and talk to Cam about this whole party thing.

I started up my computer and went on Discord, instantly Cam wanted to FaceTime me. I fixed myself and answered it.

"Hey Cammy baby" He smiled at the name.

"Hey love, how are you on this fine day?" He asked as he sipped on a Pepsi.

"I'm alright, going to a party that Chad is hosting. Yay" That was obviously sarcasm which Cam seemed to notice.

"I know how you're very shy and don't like parties but give the party a try, if I was there I would've stayed with you all night but you still have the guys" That was true, maybe I could stay around Eric or anyone really.

"Yeah, I hope we don't ever have to do this again" He chuckled at what I said, whenever he laughs or giggles it just sounds so cute.

"It's just one night love, now talk to me. How were these past few days going for you?" He rested his head on his hands.

"They were calm, we went to the arcade when I first settled in here. That's the only fun experience I've had, and you? How have you been doing?" I asked.

"They've been good, went on a hike earlier today. We should take a hike or a walk when I go over there, after our sleepover of course" I giggled, that doesn't sound too bad. I mean I hate taking long walks but as long as I have a friend with me.

V Time Skip To The Party V

I looked at my choice of clothing, I decided to wear a pink dress with long sleeves and some heels to go along with it.

I looked at my choice of clothing, I decided to wear a pink dress with long sleeves and some heels to go along with it

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(Lowkey my gay ass has a crush on this random girl)

I looked at myself in the mirror, was this too much? Too little? I didn't want to impress anybody just myself but I felt so exposed. I decided to take a picture of myself to send to Cam since he asked if he could see me in the dress.

Cammy Boy🖤
Holy hell you look so hot <3

Do I? I felt like this wasn't it

Cammy boy🖤
It definitely is it, have fun love :)

I'll try, bye Cammy baby!

Cammy boy🖤
Bye love, hope you have a wonderful time❤️

I put my phone away when Jay opened the door. He looked down at my dress then at me.

"You ready? We're about to leave" I nodded, walking towards Jay. We walked downstairs to see the guys already ready and waiting for us. I held Jay's hand when I walked down the stairs, afraid of falling and breaking something.

"Let's go!" Mason yelled out, we all walked outside to the car and driving to Chad's house, I hope this party isn't too crowded or bad.


We got out of the car, I stared up at the house hearing music booming from inside. I felt a hand on my shoulder which belonged to Toby.

"Don't worry Y/N, I'm here with you" I smiled at him, all of us walked in the house to see people dancing or just talking.

"Finally ya cunts fucking made it, Y/N you're finally here" Chad came up to us, hugging all of us.

"Yeah, great party by the way" I complimented which he thanked me of. All of the guys parted ways, even Toby so much for staying with me. I decided to just stay on my phone, waiting to leave with the guys.

"Hey wanna dance?" I looked up to see someone I never wanted to see, his face expression changed to a blank one to a evil smirk.

"Oh hey baby, glad to finally find you. You thought you could leave me and not expect me to find you?" I didn't say anything, I can't believe it. I can't believe him actually being here.

It was my ex.

"Not anything to say huh? Like always you fucking bitch" He grabbed my arm harshly but nobody noticed, I whimpered at the pain that was coming from my arm.

"Now that I've finally found you, you will always go with me at my house, you better call me and text me or else I will find you and beat your ass myself. Got that?" I nodded rapidly, the only reason why I left America, to get away from this fucking sociopath but somehow he's here.

"Oh Y/N! You finally meet my good friend Jackson" Chad came up to us, Jackson stopped grabbing my arm and looked at Chad, smiling at him.

"Yeah we started talking and we're hitting off great" Chad smiled, thinking we were becoming friends but that was a complete lie, I wanted to tell Chad to help me and get me away from this man.

"Well I'll leave you two to it, have fun" No Chad please don't leave, I wanted to yell out for him but I couldn't, why didn't my voice listen to me? Why can't I just say 'help me'?

"Now that he's gone, you understand that you're still mine and you'll always visit me whenever I want you to" I nodded, he had the same evil grin from when he noticed who I was.

"You'll never leave me, it'll be just like back in America all over again" A lump formed in my throat, remembering how he treated me back in America. He would slap me, kick me in the stomach, do anything to break me and it actually worked.

I'm so scared for my life right now..


Erhm that took a turn sorry

Like and comment! I'll see you all in the next one my fellow cookies 🍪

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