I Need You to Need Me

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Detroit oneshot, I'd consider it finished but I might expand on the idea later. 

Warnings: heavy cursing, heavy angst

 "No that's not fair, you don't get to just fuck off without telling me Gavin," he pulled a hand through his hair, pacing back and forth across the living room. It'd been just over a year since he'd actually seen his brother.

"Why?" he insisted, stepping closer, "you're not in charge of me Lijh, you don't have some undeniable right over me okay I'm a grown ass man I can handle myself!" he was glaring daggers at that point, just begging for a reaction.

That struck a nerve. Elijah stopped dead in his tracks, whipping around to stare at the shorter in utter disbelief. "Excuse me? No you were practically lost by the third month at your new apartment Gavin you had no idea what you were doing." He stepped in closer, just as Gavin had moments before.

"So, I don't need you picking up my slack, I gotta figure shit out on my fucking own. I don't want you babying me every goddamn second okay?" Gavin spit back, gesturing wildly at the room around them. There was venom dripping from every word, like he was coiling up and ready to pounce.

"What so I'm just supposed to sit back while you royally fuck yourself over?" he threw his hands up, adding more bite to his voice this time. "Sure I'll just sit back and let you go, would that be better? Let you dig yourself into a hole till you have no choice but to ask for help? Let you run headfirst blind into this without a plan?" he stood towering over a hunched and huffing Gavin, arms crossed and waiting for what he'd think to say next.

Gavin stood there glaring for a few seconds, clearly frustrated. Tears pulled at the corners of his eyes when he spoke again. "Yes!" he exclaimed, like it was some obvious truth. 'I have to make those mistakes on my own sometimes Elijah, if that's what it comes to I'll fucking figure it out. But you can't hold me back from that! You can't protect me from everything! I'm not just some useless kid-"

"No you're my brother, Gavin, there's a difference. You know god forbid I care about your safety, god forbid I try to help you for once in your life, god forbid you need it."

That was the final straw, with Elijah inches from his face and emotions running haywire. He balled his fists at his sides and screamed. "I'm not fucking useless Kamski! Stop trying to be more than what you are!"

Elijah was taken aback by that, stepping back, eyes wide. Kamski. It rung in his ears. Before he knew what was happening Gavin started to sob, throwing a hand over his mouth to catch it. He wavered on his feet and Elijah swooped in to catch him, guiding the crying body to its knees with him. Hands grasped at the back of his shirt, shoulders shaking and chest heaving and eyes bawling. He couldn't handle it. It was too much, this had gone too far.

He drew in a shaky breath before speaking, "Chloe shut it down, please." In an instant the crying stopped. The body in his arms went limp and everything was quiet. Elijah sat there, still, until Chloe came over to move the android to lay down. He flopped onto his back, opposite the now limp copy of his brother, tears peeking at the corners of his own eyes. Chloe stood patiently at his feet, waiting for him to move, or speak, or do anything really. He draped an arm over his eyes, mulling over what just happened.

"He's not nearly realistic enough. His face is too clean, Gavin has more freckles. More creases." he muttered into the mostly empty room.

Chloe kneeled next to him, not touching yet, just being close. "That was intense." Elijah chuckled, nodding behind his arm, he wasn't exactly smiling but it was a start. "Do you want me to get some water?" he nodded again. She left him alone to his thoughts briefly, heading to the opposite side of the house for the kitchen instead of the tray she'd left conveniently outside of the door.

He sat up, rubbing a hand over his face and the workings of a beard on his chin. The Gavin replica lay next to him, looking almost peaceful. He scoffed a the thought. Gavin was a ball of rage, fueled by his need to prove the world wrong, he'd never been peaceful a day in his life.

Chloe clicked back into the room, flats unusually loud in the large room. He took the glass from her gratefully, letting the cold water soothe his throat. She kneeled next to him, resting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's not your fault Elijah," she insisted, turning herself into his view. He shut his eyes tight, leaning back onto his hands. They opened again to look at the limp droid next to him. It wasn't his brother. A cheap imitation. An imposter.

"I know," he sighed, looking back at her, "I know."

one shots because I write a lot but don't polish or finish shitWhere stories live. Discover now