Chapter II

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Chapter 2


-Holmes Chapel-

Harry scratched at the uncomfortable trousers his mother forced him into as he stood waiting at an unfamiliar front door next to his Mother. "Why isn't Gemma here?" He asked looking up to his mother that looked down at him, smiling at her adorable son. "She's at a friends house." Harry frowned. Why was it that his older sister got to hang out with her friends while he was dragged around with his mother to some unknown house of people he doesn't know. "Who am I meant to play with?" he sulked. His mother just smiled wider at his child mind only worrying about wether he gets to play or not. "My friend Louise has a little girl that you can play with sweetie." She replied. "A girl? Yuck" Harry scrunched up his face. Sure Gemma was a girl but that's his sister so it's completely different. "What do you think Gemma is dear?" Anne chuckled. "Gemma is a sister." He stated as if it was obvious. Before any more could be said the front door of the house opened revealing a woman about 30 with medium length blonde hair hanging over her shoulders. "Anne, you made it!" The woman exclaimed reaching over to Harry's mother and giving her a hug. She noticed the small boy gripping onto his mothers leg and smiled at him. "And who's this little cutie?" She asked. "I'm not little" Harry protested sourly starting to not like this lady already. "This is Harry. Harry this is my friend Louise." Anne introduced the two before they all went inside, the two adults chatting about the doormat that lay inside at the door. Harry looked around curiously. The inside of the house was painted a pale yellow, that matched the exterior of the building, and was decorated with fake flowers and picture frames. The first photo he noticed was one of a small girl grinning wildly. They all arrived into a room where a black couch was pushed back against a wall, a frosted glass and pine coffee table was centred in the room and a Tv unit with a large tv was parallel to the couch on the opposite wall. Bean bags sat closer in front of the unit, the television played a kids show that Harry didn't recognise. On a purple beanbag a colour of orange sprouted from the top. Harry looked at it confused before the orange started to slightly move and a giggle was heard from under it.

"Daria" Harry heard Louise call to the orange. Soon the purple beanbag moved slightly again and the orange moved up and turned to reveal a small girl looking up at Louise with bright green curious eyes. Harry was taken slightly aback as he finally realised the orange wasn't just a pile of moving string but was a head of hair on the young girl. Her eyes changed to look at Harry who was still holding onto his mothers leg. Harry's eyes connected with the girls, both of them looking curious. The girl had bright orange hair and porcelain looking skin, that started to sport faint brown freckles on her cheeks.

"Come here sweetie and meet our guests" Louise called to her, breaking the pairs eye contact. The girl got up and walked over to her mother copying Harry grabbing onto her mothers legs shyly.  She wore a pink princess dress that her mother had made her wear as it was 'what girls are meant to wear' not listening to her protests.

"Daria, this is my friend Anne and her lit- I mean son, Harry. He is almost your age but just a little bit older. Anne, Harry, this is my beautiful daughter Daria," Louise looked at her daughter pride glistening in her eyes. Anna got down to Daria's height and said hello to the shy girl, agreeing with Louise how adorable she was. "don't be shy Daria, say hello to Harry." Louise asked to her daughter. Well not necessarily asking but not an order.

"Hello." She whispered not making eye contact with the boy, her voice small and fragile. "C'mon Harry dear say hello back" Anne encouraged hoping to break the ice between the two.

"Hi." He mumbled. He didn't like girls. 'Especially this girl' he thought. The way her slightly similar green eyes sparkled with curiosity and wonder at the world and how her hair was different to what he was used to seeing. If he was older and knew about love where cooties and germs didn't exist you could say he thought this girl was beautiful and he found himself slightly crushing on her. But being a 7 year old himself wasn't going to admit that as girls were off limits and they didn't enjoy cool things and only liked princesses and tea parties. He wanted to be 'cool' and acted like he didn't like her at all. Anne and Louise swapped awkward smiles hoping that they're children would have gotten along straight away but things went the other way.

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