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"Well Maybe if you decided to think Naeyeon he probably has a crush on you"

Doyoung looked at the older who said it and it was Taeyong who said it. Mark's face was red with anger, they all knew that he liked her but why would he go and say that?

"Me?! Liking her?! Oh please, I would rather kiss a pole than like her oh my god" Doyoung retorted with a snort coming from his mouth as Naeyeon rolled her eyes but something inside her felt pain and sadness

"Whatever floats your boat doyoung but just remember, you are human and that you have feelings and that she also has feelings to so be careful what you say cause it could hurt ya know," Ten said looking at the girl

"It's fine I don't care nor do I like him like that and don't even try casting some sort of spell Doyoung it isn't going to work on me" She retaliated before walking away to where her little brother Donghyuck was sitting

"Yeonie, are you leaving me?" Donghyuck asked looking at his sister as his eyes started tearing up

"Hyuck, I'm not leaving for good, I'm going to just a block away. Mark's house is where I'm going and I'll see you all the time when he has practiced so don't worry about a thing alright" She assured as he nodded hugging her tightly as her response was to hug back

"I want hugs" Jisung bubbled walking towards the two with Jaemin, Jeno and Sicheng following right behind the younger

"Free hugs for everyone then" She exclaimed hugging all 3 of them

"Yay, we are loved. I don't see why Doyoung doesn't like you Naeyeon your amazing and like the greatest person I've ever met and I'm thankful that I actually got to finally meet you" Jaemin beamed looking like a very bright person

"Aw, your so sweet Jaemin. Can I just like claim him as my child?" She asked looking around when she decided "Eh, I'm claiming you as my child anyways you to Jeno"

"We have a mother now" They giggled before walking away to go back to the dorm to prepare for school the next morning.

Right after practice Mark and Naeyeon went home and started setting up for the next day, at Mark's house he already had a room for her considering she would always stay with him whenever her mother got out of hand and forced something upon her. The room was painted a nice teal blue color with fairy lights hung all over the room, a desk in the corner of the room with piles of sorted papers and a computer. On the wall, there were pictures of her with her friends such as Baekhyun, Chanyrol. Yeri, Irene, Jungkook, Felix, Hyungjin, Seungmin, Jisung and Dahyun. They were hung across the wall and she had a very special place for her and Mark's pictures and that was on like this bare wall where the desk was before it was moved, on that wall she had pictures of when they were just kids. She really loved having people who she was this close to by her side, Mark, on the other hand, was happy to have met Naeyeon. While growing up things weren't easy for him, his parents divorced, he moved everywhere and he never had any friends.



The sky was dark and gloomy, the rain slowly started falling as Mark was heading home. Only after a minute or so the rain started pouring and he was shivering, without a coat, the boy continued walking home. That's when he met Naeyeon, while she was walking home she saw the boy and rushed over to him and covered his head with an umbrella and took her coat off and put it on him. He looked over at her while she was shyly staring at the ground, Mark smiled as he saw something in the girl's heart that made him happy. Instead of him going home straight away she brought him to her house so that way he could warm up and hopefully not catch a cold.

"Why did you help me," He asked curiously as the girl turned around to look at him holding a cup of hot chocolate

"Because I saw you in the rain and wanted to help. Plus you go to my school and take the longer route to your house instead of the shorter one, so I decided to walk with you but it started raining" She replied handing him a cup before sitting down next to him

"Naeyeon... Thank you so much for helping me and such. I can tell why everyone likes you and tries to be friends with you" He said as she smiled

"Well Mark, the thing is... I don't have friends because people are fake... like Doyoung. Your also the first person I have ever talked to at this school and I would like to possibly be your friend if you wanna" She mumbled loud enough for him to hear and without a second thought he had already answered her

"I would like to be your friend Naeyeon, and people are really fake at school. Doyoung has two sides, he is probably acting like this because you got on his bad side but don't worry you have the legendary knight here to save you whenever you get in trouble" He blurted causing a small giggle to come out of the girl's mouth

"Yes you are my legendary knight who shall save me from the evil stepmother who will never leave me alone" She smiled as they continued to chatter back and forth. Naeyeon walked Mark home after the rain cleared up only to find that they didn't live that far away from each other it was like a 5-minute walk. When Mark finally went inside there were papers scattered on the floor and beer bottles left on the table and the counter, his father was clearly drunk since he reeked of alcohol. Little Mark kept to himself and walked upstairs to his room which was the only place he felt safe...That's what he thought....

Later on that night his dad walked up into his room, he walked next to the son and picked him up out of bed. Mark's father held the son up by the neck of his shirt and started shaking the boy awake causing a scream to escape his mouth, because of that he got hit. Mark felt numb in the left side of his face since that's where his dad slapped the son, he got out of the father's grip only to be kicked in the ankle causing the boy to fall and hit his head on the cold hard floor. After a few minutes or so his father stopped as the sound of sirens in the air, he kicked the son one last time in the stomach as the final blow. Police officers rushed upstairs to see the father staring down at the son, Mark's vision was blurry and his hearing was shot at the moment. Handcuffs were put around the father's arms as he was taken to the police car that sat outside the house. blood. Mark started coughing up blood as the blow in the stomach broke a few things, his face was bloody and cut up. His arms weren't any better, in fact, they were worse. The boy was admitted to the hospital as quickly as possible and his mother who was all the way across town was trying to get to her son.

It was 2:45 in the morning and Naeyeon was flipping through channels until she saw the news, she felt hurt at the sight of seeing her only friend this hurt. Though they just met she had already deeply cared for him enough for a few tears to slip out, she quickly put her shoes on and grabbed a coat and went off. The hospital was where she was trying to go to see the boy and she made it...but it was 4:30 when she did since she got lost, she walked and found the room her friend was in and she was shattered instantly as she saw her only friend unconscious on the bed. She slowly walked to the side of him and held his hand, he squeezed it telling her he was alright. For the next few weeks that he was out of school, she visited him and helped him with his homework, as three weeks went by he already had feelings for her. He was gonna confess he thought but he was too afraid to tell her the three words....'I like you'

Present time

   Mark kept having the same nightmares again and again about his past, he was always afraid that his father would someday escape from jail or be let go. When his dad was arrested Mark had been 11 years old and is now 16, he was always so careful around things because of this. He decided to go downstairs for a glass of water only to hear a knock on the door, so the boy walked to the door and opened it. That was the first time he regretted opening his door without looking through the hole

"Mark....Did you miss me?"

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