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"Naeyeon... That girl Eunjin she's my ex girlfriend and the craziest one out of all of them"

  She looked at him and saw he was having thuggish of emotions over take his system, she sat next to him and placed her hand over his making him relax a bit

"When I was in 8th grade I started dating Eunjin, who was my bestfriend from my childhood. I liked her for a while and she liked me for a while as well, it was a Friday night at a dance and I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I did and she said yes, when we first started dating we were kind of awkward but then she got so mad when I was hanging out with my friends. She even stop talking to me because I was hanging out with my other childhood friend Hyerin. She will be more important later on, time went on and we broke up in the middle of our 10th year. I was a mess like I didn't eat and sick h " he started as she gave him her full attention actually wondering a lot of things

"Why did you guys... Break up?" Naeyeon asked instantly regretting what she just asked

"I'm getting there actually... News spread around that she had been seen with another guy, doing things friends don't do. So I went to visit her on our anniversary and that's when I saw her and my old best friend in bed together. I broke up with her on the spot and she kept trying to fix things but it got to a point where she actually decided to start a rumor about me. That made things worse, I had bruises and cuts all over because she said that I was trying to rape her and such... The people who beat me up feel sorry now that they see what she's like, I don't know why she made up that rumor because i didn't kiss her At all so why would I do that? " He answered putting his other hand on his arm

"I'm sorry Doyoung" She said frowning and pulling him into a hug

"Don't be it happened two years ago. Hyerin, she was my 2nd girlfriend and we only lasted a few months because of what Eunjin did... I was heading home until I got a call and I answered it, she was crying and I'm pain. I soon got a video call from Eunjin which I answered if course and I wish I walked home with her that day. She was tied to a chair with bruises on her body, I knew that if I went to the police it would make things worse so I ran to her house and I didn't know how to tell them.. They saw my phone screen and the caller ID, when I looked she was dead her mom and her dad were upset but they didn't have me or anything... They made sure I was okay and I was safe with my parents being gone all the time, we reported her but they don't have proof and I blame myself for what happened to her" He continued looking at the ground not wanting to look up knowing if he did he would break down crying

"Doyoung it isn't your fault you didn't know what was going to happen don't blame yourself. We can get through this together I promise you, my goal now is to try to make you stress free... Even if it means I have to put up a fight Doyo you don't deserve this" She whispered loud enough for him to hear as he nodded squeezing her hand

     They sat in silence the only thing heard were his sniffles which soon turned into sobs, she didn't know what to do except for hug him again as he hurried his face into her neck. she looked at his eyes and he looked tired, she couldn't blame him so she grabbed his hand and walked upstairs to her room. He took his shoes off and slowly walked into the bathroom to change into his pajamas. She did the same just in the bathroom across the hall from the bedroom, when she walked back she saw him sleeping under the covers with even more blankets on top of him as he was cold.

   Laying down next to him, Doyoung turned so his front side faces her and he just hugged her making sure if was her and she was there with him. He fell asleep yet again just using her as a pill as she also fell asleep, she didn't know that his backstory with his exes were this bad but he explained why he keeps to himself most of the time. A few hours later she will up to him playing with strands of her hair sneezing occasionally as it tickled his nose, once he noticed she was awake he just looked up into her eyes and kissed the tip of her nose. She scrunched it making Doyoung have this weird reaction, his body just like flew he was dying of cuteness, she laughed getting out of the bed and checking the clock. 11:09 pm. She groaned running her eyes before letting out a small yawn that turned into a sneeze, Hyuck wandered into her room with a pout on his face  since he just woke up as well. He was so tired, his hair was in all different directions and his shirt was messed up. Mark was still passed out but his hair was perfectly fine, downstairs the three went and they went around tried to look for something to eat. Pizza was the answer and there was a pizza in the freezer so all they had to do was wait for it to cook in the oven and that's when Mark finally decided to come down

"What time is it" Mark asked as his eyes were trying to adjust to the light

"It's 11:11" Hyuck replied waddling over to Mark and hugging him liking the sent he gave off, the two walked to the living room where Mark fell asleep again leaving Naeyeon and Doyoung in the kitchen

"I love you Naeyeon"

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