25. Panic Attacks (You)

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Corbyn- Sometimes you will get hate from some of the fans online. It usually doesn't bother you, but particularly nasty ones about your mental health and your relationship with Corbyn will make you question everything. Corbyn will come home from a long day of shoots to find you sobbing in bed, and immediately comes running. He soothes you by kissing your forehead and reminding you of how many fans love you, and by talking about how great your relationship is.

Zach- You have a lot of family issues, and whenever the holidays roll around, you tend to have panic attacks. Zach is always the most supportive boyfriend in this situation, offering to resolve it in whatever way he can. You both lay on the couch, foreheads pressed together as you talk about your family and how you'd rather be spending time with his. By the end of the night, you're cuddling on the couch talking about the few good memories you have from your childhood.

Daniel- Ever since you were young, you had seasonal panic attacks. They usually happened near the end of winter and would cause you to be tired all the time. Daniel knew this and would spend the entire season having you both do fun things to distract you. When you actually did panic, he would let you have some space to breathe and come back to talk to you about it. He would hold your hands and gaze deep into your eyes while you talked about it.

Jack- You rarely had them, but when you did, it was horrible. You and Jack had been dating for a while now and he had only ever seen one panic attack. They only happened when you felt overwhelmed by work or life in general, and you would hide in your room while Jack pounded on the door. "Please, Y/N," he would beg, "just let me in." After a little bit, you would let him in, crashing into his arms and sobbing into his chest. He would stand there, you in his arms as you cried it all out.

Jonah- You are in school, and regularly have panic attacks over your grades and what graduate schools you will get into. Sometimes you will come back to his apartment and just collapse on his bed in tears, worried about your classes. "I just have so much due this week and finals are next week..." You rant to Jonah as he pulls you into his arms, kissing your cheek and cuddling you. He reminds you of how smart and capable you are while peppering your lips with small kisses.

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