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So, let's just start out by saying, I didn’t have the best childhood. I never knew my dad and my mom hates me. My name is Murdoc Niccals. I’m what you would call the bad guy, the school bully, the asshole, the monster, all of those describe me. Before I started getting into trouble on the daily my mother told me I was “Special”, if you call having green tinted skin “Special” than yeah, I was. My older brother had mysteriously died, my mother told me if I wasn’t careful than I’d go out like him, I never believed her. I had found a ‘Friend group’, if you would even call it that, of my own. It was more of a group of bullies, I was the top dog in that group, everyone feared me. Especially Stuart Pot, I wouldn’t say he's stupid-Who am I kidding the bloke was dumb as rocks. He wasn't mentally capable of hurting a fly. Scrawny little dude too, he had a pretty face and a hot girlfriend. Paul Cracker. She was the hottest chick in the school. I'd do anything to get a piece if her. “Oi! Murdoc their some nutter going around the neighborhood and schanking folks, might wanna keep a lookout.” reported Stanley, he's the lookout of the group he keeps watch for the feds and tells us about the shit that's going on around town. “Cheers mate” I say and he runs off back to his post. I was standing outside of the school entrance, fag in mouth and I was waiting for one person. I heard he’s completely helpless when in danger, weak, no stronger than a 2 year old, my perfect target I wouldn't have to bully anyone else, they all fight back and it gets boring after a while. That he was Stuart Pot. I was looking through the croud of tosser’s. It’d be easy to spot him, when he was younger he had fallen out of a tree and his hair started to fall out and grow back blue. Ironically his eyes where just as blue as his hair. He was usually one of the last few people to get to school, right on cue I seen his spiky blue hair. “Oi Pot!” I yelled, getting his attention, he jumped and looked around, when we made eye contact his eyes filled with fear.  He tried to walk faster and get away from me. I wasn’t gonna let that happen. I made my way toward him, everyone moved out of the way and stayed a meter away from me. As I got closer he started to walk faster. “Pot, get your arse over here” I said, it was more of a yell. He stopped in his tracks, everyone else went quiet, they kept walking but kept their distance. I walked up to him, as I got closer I could see how badly he was shaking. When I put my hand on his shoulder he jumped and covered his mouth. I turned him around to face me and he was crying. Tears running down his face like waterfalls. “Please don't hurt me.” He cried. “If ya stop ya crying, maybe I won’t” I said, getting irritated. He kept sniffling and the tears stopped falling and but it just made him shake even more. It's probably the best I’ll get out of him. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the nearest boys room. I slammed him against the stall door. “What do you want from me?” He cried, trying to control his crying, covering his mouth if he felt like he was going to burst into tears again. “Let’s get something clear, I am the wolf of this god forsaken school.” I started, getting closer and closer, slowly. “And everyone else are sheep, and you are the runt of the pack.” I said, pushing him into the stall. The door swung open and came back and hit him. He winced but didn’t make any sound. Fear completely taking over him. “You know what happens to the runt of the pack. They. Die. First.” I grabbed the caller of his shirt, getting in his face. I could feel his breath on my face. “Got it, runt.” He nodded his head, tears starting to appear. I let him go. “W-wait, what’s going to happen to me now?” He stuttered. I turned around and made eye contact with him. “Let's just say that you’ll be the schools sacrifice.” and with that I left him alone in the bathroom.

Stu’s Pov: I don't know what to do, or who to tell. If i tell one of the teacher's they won't do anything, there just as scared of him as anyone else. I can't tell any student, they won't do anything. Hell, they might not even believe me. I’m so dead. I walked out of the bathroom, shaking shocked that i’m still alive. I made my way to my first class, English. At least I have that class with Paula, I can tell her about it. On my way their, there where a few kids in the hallway. They all looked at me whispering things then running to class. I made it to the English classroom and as soon as I set foot through the doorway the bell went off, signaling that first period was starting. I sat in my seat and set my bag down next to me, talking out my green English notebook. There was a substitute today so instructions were written on the blackboard. I ripped off part of my paper and wrote on it. “Murdoc just told me I was the school scrifice. I don't know what to do.” I folded it up and gave it to the kid next to me. “For Paula.” I whispered. He nodded and gave it to her. She opened it up and I could see the shock and fear on her face imedily. She started writing. She gave it to the kid and he gave it to me without hesitating. “That's no good, you might want to hide. Stay out of his sight.” “How?” I wrote back. “Get too your classes earlier, get to school earlier. He won't expect it.” She wrote. I had nothing to say, she made a good point. I put the note in my bag and started the class work. I know Paula was right, she was smart so she was always right. It was the end of class, the bell rung and everyone got up from their seats and grabbed their bags. Before I could get out the door, I was stopped by someone grabbing my wrist. I turned around to see Paula. “Hey, be careful. I just want you to be safe.” She kissed me on the cheek and walked off to her next class. I stood there for a few seconds, I touched my cheek and felt my face heat up. Man I love her. I skipped to Math, in a much better mood because of her. I walked into the classroom and my heart sunk. Murdoc was in this class. He was talking to one of his friends. If I was careful enough I could slip right past him. Right before I got to my seat the kid he was talking to noticed me. A huge grin grew on his face, I knew what he was going to do and my heart sank again. “Hey Pot! Why don't you come sit over here with ol mudsy!?” He yelled, Murdoc turned to me. He had a huge grin on his face as well. The other kid moved and pushed me over to his seat. He forcefully pushed me down in his seat and dropped my bag right next to me. I froze up. I didn't know what he was going to do me. For most of the class he didn't do anything, but when we started taking notes I noticed that he was coping my notes! I wanted to ask him why but thought it was best not to. At the end of class I ran Socal Studies. The only thing on my mind was getting as far away from Murdoc. Before i could go far he grabbed the handle on the top part of my bag and yanked me back. I almost fell back. He brought me to eye level with him. “Listen pot” his raspy voice cutting through the little silance. “I’m no good at school work, I will admit. So that's where you come in. I copy your homework and if any teacher's ask, you copied off me. Got it?” he said harshly. Not wanting to get beat to a pulp I nodded frantily and he let me go. I quickly resituated myself and ran as fast as I could
Hey look at that another story i probably wont finish and will forget about before i get half way done with it. This greek gorillaz au was an idea i had a while ago and started working on about two weeks ago, i have some content for it on my Insta @murdoc_niccals_ass make sure to follow me!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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