Sense hitting Boy Wonder

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"Team Alpha well done you performed better than I expected. Beta, Gamma good attempt. All of you may leave now, I'll send you news of anymore updates. "

As the teams began to scatter Night wing decided to quickly add something.

"Bat girl I need to talk to you, Blue Beetle take batgirl's position in the camera room. everyone else may leave."

"Aye Aye captain"

Blue beetle cheered in reply, he was in a good mood today after finally getting wind that Night wing is back on the team for 2 months at least.

After Batman's grand quitting ceremony, non of the junior members were allowed any information about how many exactly quitted along with him when the saying goes by 'half the league'.

Nightwing had been a considerable leader, even though he had his own secrativeness to a next level, and majority of the team found it uncomfortable to have random leaguers assign them tasks without even bothering to fill them in with the plan or details.

Wonder girl on the other hand scanned the room. Hoping to at least find Some link to Robin. Everyone in the room looked lively even in the middle of this hectic chaos. Looking over at Night wing who matched the tiredness that bat girl held within her own posture, she finally gave in to asking one of the bats.

She really missed Tim, but didn't have the nerve to ask Night wing, right when she wanted to ask Bat Girl,Night Wing had to steal her.

Beast boy, Miss Martian, Super boy, Halo,Arrowette and Impulse were gathered around together talking amongst themselves. Making her way to them wonder girl spoke.

"Um.. guys does anyone know where blue went? Or at least where the camera room is?"

All of them turned to face her.

"And what business do you have with blue?"

Impulse or rather the new Kid Flash smirked.

M'gann nudged him with annoyance. How could he ask a girl something like that in front of all. And besides she likes Tim she thought.

"Oh it's nothing like that- I just need to find batgirl, knowing her and Nightwing I better catch up with her before she goes to God knows where."

Wonder girl justified.

"Okay let's just all take a break and go there together"

Gar led the way as the rest of the young members followed.

"It's nice to have Night Wing back and at least Bat girl remaining."

M'gann spoke partially sadly yet happy.

"Why do you think those two bats stayed back?"

Super boy asked no one in common.

"Um.. why wouldn't they?"

Arrowette mused confused.

"My first impression of Night wing last week was quite satisfacthory. He seems to be a nice person. Bat girl's amazing no doubth about that."

Halo voiced out her thoughts in her thick accent.

"She's nice but quite shy and secretive too if you ask me"

Arrowette offered.

Blue beetle came into view as all of them gathered in the CCTV room.

"Woaaahhhh this is huge!"

Impulse yelled with energy.

"I always wondered How on earth the bats manage to stay all night in shifts and look at all 500 cameras"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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