I Can't Love You

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I Slowly opened my eyes, a blinded light caused me to blink. I opened my eye lids as i let the sun shine through. Suddenly a loud shrieking sound scared me as i jumped from the fright. It was my alarm clock, i giggled at my own stupidity. I stretched allowing my body to fully awaken, causing a pleasurable feeling to flow through my body. I walked to my closet to choose what to wear to school today , i Chose a Black and white stripped top with a chiffon black skirt and a matching hijab, and a nice blazer. Oh, I forgot to mention, My name is Sara Ahmed and I'm 16  a lot of people pronounce my name Sarah but i Don't mind.I have Bluey Grey eyes that i inherited from my late grandmother, Mothers side, and have long wavy brown hair i would have what people called mix raced skin my father was Somali but my mother is Arab of the lighter tone. I live in Miami, which isn't really ideal for a Muslim girl i cant do the things i love one of which is surfing, i used to surf but when i started coming of age my mother said it wasn't ideal for a Muslim to show her hair and skin which meant i had to stop surfing. I live On the shore with my mother and grandparents. My parents divorced because my Dads parents didn't like my mother much so did everything in there power to break them apart it worked seeing as he left before i was born.

I Turned the shower on as i bushed my teeth, when i entered the steamy hot shower i could help but allow a sigh to excape my lips i loved the feeling of hot water on my skin. After Cleansing my self I Wrapped my self in a towel and dryed my hair, once doing my daily routine of putting my hair into a messy bun and applying light make up, i then heard my name being yelled.

" Yalla Sara, come down and eat or you'll be late for school. Oh and by the way i left the Keys on the Counter, Bye love you habibti." Yelled my mother, it was okay i was used to eating breakfast on my own my mother worked for a lawyer firm, so she was always busy. When i Changed into my Clothes and adjusted my hijab i made my way downstairs and grabbed my keys before quickly checking my reflection in the mirror i wasn't really a breakfast person. As i Was entering my Audi Q7 my Iphone Rang to reveal Jess. Jess has been my best friend since i can remember we only had each other and no one else, no we weren't loners we just didn't find it necessary to associate with others we had each other that's all that mattered. 

"Hey Jess" I Chirped happily.

"Hey, Still meeting up at Starbucks, got your capp its getting cold so you better hurry up." She Replied, Capp was our abbreviation of cappuccino.

" Yeah, I'm just on my way, how was your summer, i missed you." I wasn't lying i really did miss her, and hanging out with her. We spent every summer together but this year she went to visit her father in England.

" I missed you too, yeah it was okay i got to see dad which was good, but i missed Connor and School, i know can you believe it." She started giggling. I Frowned.

" CONNOR, Stop. No. Haha. Hey, sorry sar, listen you wouldn't mind Connor Hitching a rid with us. AHHH CONNOR STOP I NEARLY SPILLED SARS DRINK. Got to go love you babe." 

Id never really seen Connor before. Weird i know, Hes Been dating my best friend for two years now and goes to school with us. Connor was Popular and no he's not a Star Soccer player or Captain Of the Football team but he is popular, he helps a lot with extra curricular  stuff  he takes AP classes and Is A musician. That's All I really know about him. I Continued driving and turned the last corner before parking outside Starbucks and seeing Jess making out with someone, that must be Connor i could make out his dirty blond hair and tanned skin, he was quite built like Calvin Klein model built. Well done Jess, I smirked as i hit the horn of the car making the jump Jess screaming then giving me a death glare and Connor turning and rubbing the back of his hand in a confused motion. Jess ran to the car and jumped in the back I signed i wanted to sit next to my Best friend. I Then saw a chest in the rear view mirror and a hand attempting  to open the back door.

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