Chapter 1

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There is nothing quite like waking up at three am

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There is nothing quite like waking up at three am. The streets outside become desolate and it is a time of such silence that one can pretend that they are the only person in the world. But what if it isn't silence that a person needs? The world is full of things that are made to distract us from actually thinking.

Maybe that's a good thing. Especially since thoughts can be so destructive and worm their way to a person's heart, to the deepest part of their soul. On the other hand, perhaps it is a terrible thing , a thing that leads to apathy and eventually stagnation.

These were the things that went through Gustav's mind as he awoke in a cold sweat at the first second of three am. He's so tired and yet no matter how hard he tries he can't fall back asleep into the beautiful reverie of unconsciousness. All there is really to do at this time is sneak out and go for a walk. Morning walks have become a routine in Gustav's life for as long as he can remember.

Nothing is as soothing as going down an empty street and listening to lofi as one's breathing syncs in time with the bass line of the song that's playing on a phone through headphones. Some might find this daily routine a bit lonely, however to him it's the closest to heaven that exists in this loud and insensitive world. He's never really been great at socializing and if forced to interact with others he tends to stutter or say something stupid.

With the exception of his friend Cerulean, a stupid name really but it's not the poor boy's fault that they like this particular shade of blue too much, Gustav doesn't really interact with anyone outside of his family and teachers at school. To his relief no one points this out at school. In fact, most of his peers ignore him unless they're attempting to cheat off of his coursework.

His twin sister, Ruslana, which means lioness in Ukrainian, is the complete opposite of him. Ruslana is opinionated and isn't afraid to voice whatever thought comes to her mind at any given moment. She also lives up to her name due to the fact that she's a fierce fighter when provoked. Anyone that has ever said even a word against her brother she has beaten up within an inch of their life. Eventually people stopped picking on Gustav in his younger years because of the fear that was literally beat into them by his fierce and overprotective sister.

Gustav was horrified when he found out what she was doing to anyone that dared to voice an opinion that went against him and even begged her to stop.

" Gustav Taras Kopko," He remembered her saying in her commanding voice which was strong even then, "If they don't learn to stop they never will. Nobody hurts my family. Ever. If they do I hurt them. Understand?" 

Back then all Gustav could only nod and look down at his shoes in shame. Ruslana has always been stronger than him mentally. No matter what she always had his back. Eventually Gustav joined her whenever there was an issue regarding their family. They became known as the Kopko Mafia and just the mere mention of Ruslana's name in a conversation evoked fear and respect in people's voices.

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