Chapter 2

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Gustav •
* italics = thoughts or Ukrainian

"Come on freak let's get to school," Ruslana tells Gustav with a smirk indicating that she feels as if it was her idea the entire morning to be early.

Ganna sighs as she ushers the children out of the apartment with the broom scolding them in Ukrainian for being late which was hilarious considering they were insanely early for school.

" Collect the debts on the way to school children. I last recall that Natalya owed me some money can you collect it for me dear Gustav? You've got dear Ceru wrapped around your little finger," Ganna says smiling sweetly at Gustav.

At this ,Gustav has a visceral reaction as he attempts to lunge at his mother only to be stopped by Ruslana struggling to hold him back. Although Gustav doesn't always appreciate the boy's company no one can insult him other than Gustav himself.

" Ceru isn't a little bitch like you're saying mother, you say anything about him like that again and you'll be sorry. I'll put Bone Crusher on you I swear it. He's under my protection which means none of his family ever have to pay debts to us. I take care of those under my protection," Gustav spits out still trying to detangle himself out of Ruslana's grip.

"Awww son, looks like you have a little crush on the small one Ceru how cute. I still need my three hundred dollars by the end of the day, think you can get that for me son? Hmm?"

This also is ridiculous because Cerulean is the largest in size out of the three of them, so large that his mother almost named him Zalizo ( Iron) when he was born because of his robust strength even as a child. Though Ceru is ginormous being six foot nine inches of pure muscle, he has the softest heart of the whole group and has an extreme soft spot for Gustav who he fondly calls Gus in greeting. Gustav hates this of course but there's nothing he can do to get the boy to deter from this form of action, trust Gustav, he's definitely attempted to get Ceru to stop.

Ruslana interjects at this point afraid of what her brother will do if this conversation is allowed to continue. The last time she let Gustav loose when he was this angry ended up in him bashing Bobby Grisner's face in after the boy called Ruslana a soviet spy. The Russians are the enemy and talk like that will not be tolerated in the Kapko neighborhood.

"Mother, you know how our dear Gustav is with Ceru there's no use in provoking him. I will collect the money myself most esteemed Velykyy Odyn ( Great One). Bone Crusher will be left out of this I swear it. As soon as Gustav calms down he will see his errors," Ruslana says feigning respect.

" I will bring Drobarka Kitsky (Bone Crusher) on you if you cross me or my protected again. Although I am your child I hold more power as the brother of the feared Drobarka Kitsky who is not your son but father's. Long live Ivan my father who could be feared if he so chose but he is a kind and gentle man. You might want to remember who keeps you from being deported and keeps food in your belly."

Ganna just nods realizing that she has been defeated also afraid to evoke anger in her husband or her half son. Her humor is gone and her illusion of being head of the household dissipates and her anger at Artem increasing as she feels outdone by him yet again even when he isn't present in the household.

"Just leave children and remember God always watches what you do. He watches all."

At this Ruslana and Gustav grab their bags and march down to the elevator where they wait for it to open so they can go down onto the street. Ruslana knows better than to say anything at this point not wanting to fuel Gustav's anger any more than their own mother already had before. Once they get down to the street the twins split up, one heading towards Natalya to collect the debt she owes and the other heading towards the deli to meet Ceru. No goodbyes are exchanged except for the secret salute the twins invented when they were four years old.

As Gustav approaches the giant man child, a wave of protectiveness envelops him which is unfamiliar to the boy. Ceru, as usual, is eating a BLT from the deli munching on the food with enthusiastic gusto.

"Stop eating so quickly you'll choke."

Ceru just shrugs as he recognizes the familiar voice and finishes his sandwich with a final large bite some of the food tumbling out of his mouth. He jumps up from the window ledge he was sitting on previously and wipes the crumbs off of his adidas soccer pants aggressively.

"Gus you showed up! I thought you wouldn't and then I'd have to be at school all alone with no one to hug which would be so not fun," Ceru says pouting.

At this Gustav glares at the other boy which Ceru took as his cue to pick him up and start the biggest bear hug his strong arms could muster. Gus just sighs and allows this to happen knowing that there's nothing he can do to stop this from happening. Once he's put down he straightens his clothes and looks up the four feet into the giant's ginormous and also slightly beautiful grey eyes glaring at him like you would when scolding a puppy. Ceru lowers his face closer to the other boy's and puts his face in Gus' neck nuzzling it just like a puppy might.

"Ceru stop," Gustav says looking annoyed.

At this the other boy just gives his neck a small kiss before releasing him and nodding smirking as Gustav shivers a bit at the contact. Ceru knows that the other boy will never admit it but he has some feelings for him and it is his life's mission to make Gustav confess. It's quite a fun game.

"You know you love me darling," Ceru says winking as Gustav rolls his eyes and punches the other boy hard in the stomach which earns him a chuckle.

"Come. Let's go."

Both boys detach from one another and then walk in the direction of the subway in order to go to school. They're not afraid to be affectionate in a platonic and at times flirty way towards one another because being brothers with the Bone Crusher has its perks. Gustav being Ceru's protector gives him the same rights as well as privileges as Gustav himself excluding a seat at the high table of course.

"Ah there goes the boyfriends, scum both of you. You should be purged from the earth with the filth that you do. Both of you should be ashamed," says Trenton Chase the enemy of Ceru because of reasons that Ceru has never disclosed in any way.

"You been thinking of us fucking Trenton?" Gustav asks feigning concern for him.

At this Trenton's face turns as beet red as Ganna's borscht that she makes in the summer.

"I-I would n-never think of such filth and perversion," Trenton stutters.

"Yes right because if you minded your own business then you wouldn't have to worry about us would you? You seem to forget that I'm one of the precious protected of the Mafia and of the Bone Crusher's brother nonetheless. The last thing you should be thinking about is how we show affection and how you could avoid your skull being bashed in," Ceru tells him in a sweet tone batting his eyelashes.

"Ceru leave it. Come we need to go," Gustav orders.

"Yes little bitch follow your owner to school," Trenton spits out venomously.

"Say anything else and I will order your tongue be cut from your mouth. Come Ceru, school begins in two hours and we have some business to attend to. I would absolutely love to stay and chat but I unlike you have responsibilities to do," Gustav says in obvious annoyance.

Ceru nods and let's the other boy lead him away.

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