Teacher's Pet..10..

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Jen?" Brad knocks on the bathroom door again. "Jenna, are you okay, honey?"

"Honey?" Michael smiles into my neck as he holds my hands above my head. "A little pretentious, isn't he, Miss Toussaint? You're his "honey"?"

"Brad," I swallow as Michael sucks at my collarbone. "I-I-I'm fine. Brad, I'm alright."

"Not for long."

I roll my eyes and groan as Michael opens my robe and starts massaging my breasts... with his warm tongue.

He's enjoying this.

He's freaking enjoying this!

Meanwhile, I'm freaking the fuck out!

Brad, one of his students, has basically caught us in the act and his mercurial ass is trying to get some ass. 

Michael can't be this ridiculous.

Can he?

"Are you-are you sure?" Brad asks louder as he knocks again. "Jenna, are you sure you're alright? You screamed pretty loud. Is someone else in there with you?"

I try to push Michael and his pestilent kisses away, but he's stronger than I am.

He pins me harder against the cabinet and nips at my chin before kissing between my breasts again.

"Tell him you're alright, Miss Toussaint." Michael whispers, further opening my robe. "Tell him or I'll make you come."

"Jenna?" Brad knocks again.

"Yes!" I screech, because Michael's pushing two fingers inside me.

"Jenna?!" Brad yells and twists the doorknob this time. "Honey, unlock the door. You don't sound fine. Jen, le-let me in!"

I bite my bottom lip and open my eyes to stare straight into Michael's amused ones.

He rubs at my sensitive bud with his thumb and continues fingering me, slowly.

"Stop. Stop, please." I whisper, breathlessly. "Please."

Michael smiles, slowing his finger's thrusts, before completely removing them.

"As you wish, baby," He whispers against my cheek. "but that's one you owe me."

I swallow then sigh in relief as he steps away from me.

"Jenna?" Brad calls, knocking again, as I readjust my robe. "Are you okay? What's going on in there? Jenna?"

Damn, I forgot about him.

"Honey, are you alright?!"

Michael folds his arms and opens his mouth to speak, but I cover it with one hand while gesturing for him to stay quiet with the other.

He nods and I uncover his mouth as I take a step towards the door to speak to Brad.

"Who's this Honey he's looking for?" Michael whispers, brushing his erection against my butt.

"Shhh!" I shush him. "It's his nickname for me. Be quiet."

Michael arches an annoyed brow as I turn to the door again.

I should have known he wouldn't behave, because the next second he smacks my ass, and I yelp.

"What was that?" Brad asks and I whip around to give Michael an evil look. "Jenna, speak to me. Let me know you're okay. What's going on in there? Jenna, honey?"

Michael rolls his eyes (probably because of that last 'honey') then he looks away.

"Brad," I begin with eyes on Michael and his changing mood. "just go back to the living room. I'm fine. I'm really fine. I promise."

Teacher's Pet (A Michael Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now