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The next chapter is the Arc I finale. For returning readers, I hope you approve of my efforts to improve the older chapters based on reviews I have received from all of you. This has taken a long time, but I hope that it will be worth it in the long run. To assure the quality of the story and to fix a few issues occurring in the background that made newer chapters harder to write.


My Hero Academia Untold: The Fafnir Knight (Remastered Edition)

Saga I: Dusk

Arc I: Origins

Chapter XI: Bonds


"We define family in many different ways: not just by blood but by people with whom we find a common ground and a common bond."

-Adrienne C. Moore


Ochako giggled from Izuku's hilarious retelling of today's events as Eri sat on his lap, helping with his story. Since Ochako left to go back to Mie, they started doing nightly video chats. This was mainly at Eri's request, which Ochako was more than happy to oblige.

"Did Eri really do that to Bakugou?" She asked, wiping away tears of laughter from her eyes. Izuku couldn't help but keep on laughing as well.

"She did! Took the apple right from under him when he wasn't looking."

Earlier that day, Katsuki had arrived at the Midoriya household to finally meet Eri since she began living with them.

"So much for a bribe." Ochako giggled again from the other side of the screen.

"Maybe I should've been more forward in letting Kacchan know how much Eri really loves apples. But I have to admit, him pulling out the candied apple did surprise me!" Izuku looked down on the child who sat on his lap.

"Now I know that Eri really likes those treats, too. Isn't that right, Eri?" Eri timidly nodded. She still found it challenging to speak up at times and was still skittish around strangers.

"Anything else new?" Ochako asked with genuine interest.

Izuku thought for a moment.

"Well, we started Eri's new diet to try and get her back to a healthy weight."

"That's good."

Ochako sighed with relief, glad that they had been following up on getting Eri proper treatment after seeing how badly her condition was at the start. Though it had only been a week since she left, she could see Eri's face was fuller and looked livelier. There were still a few things that worried Ochako, such as Izuku mentioning that Eri had yet to smile. It didn't help that Eri was plagued with horrible night terrors that caused her to wake up screaming whenever she tried to sleep alone in her own bed.

"Hey, Ochako?" She heard Izuku ask, bringing her out of her thoughts.


"Have you gotten your letter from UA yet?" He asked nervously.

"Nothing yet...But I haven't checked today, so for all I know, it could be here right now..." Ochako suddenly realized that she, in fact, hadn't checked the mail today. "Umm...Izuku, I'll be right back!" She said in a panic, running out of view from her laptop camera.

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