8 Cheshire Tree

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I landed back into wonder land. Everyone was doing great.

I finally came upon the Cheshire Tree. Where I met Alice. I leaped to perch upon my favorite branch, as I turned invisible.

"Cheshire," Stated Hatter.

"Yes?" I responded, showing my grin.

"A new Alice has been seen coming into the hole. Rabbit said that." Hatter continued. "Stay here, and, be Cheshire."

"Ok." I grin. Then I fully turn invisible.

A Day Later

As I am still invisible, on my tree, I see a young girl with black hair. I make sure I'm in my cat form.

I rustled the tree so she would hear me.

"Hello?" She asks.

I show my grin once she looks in my direction, then my eyes.

"Hello little girl." I say, calm.

"W-Who are you?" She looks scared.

"I'm Cheshire." I say. Showing my eyes as well.

She reminds me of Alice so much.  I want to cry.

"What?" She is stunned. "How did you do that?!"

"Do what?" I ask. "This?" And I became invisible again.

I walked into her shoulder. And reappeared.

"I'm sorry." She said.  Looking sorry.  " They made me do this."

"For wh-?" I start, then she pulls me into a bag. And stabs me with a needle.

"For this."


I sit in a cell. It's cold. I'm alone. I talk to myself to drive the guards mad.

Right now I'm having tea with myself.  I love me illusions.

"Ello!" I smile, at myself.

"How are you today?" I ask.

"Great!"  The real me says.

"Stop that." The guard says.

"My my, these guards are crabby today, are they not?" I ask.

The door bursts open.  Two other guards pull a man into the room.  And shove him into my cell.  Clint.

They guards leave.   And I turn off my illusions.

"Clint!!" I shriek.

He groans, and I look down at him, he's bruised.  The guards laugh.  Sick.

"Hi..." His voice trailing off. 

"I knew this would shut her up." A Guard smiles.

I run at the bars, and scream, long and hard, until they cover their ears.  I then head back to Clint. 

"Sorry," I tell him. "Why are you here?"

"Because, Rodgers and I are the only ones who know about Loki, besides Thor."  He responds.

"Oh, I got captured in Wonderland."  I say.

He gasps.  And points behind me. 

"Cheshire, what ever you do, don't fight them."  Clint tells me.

Three guards come in, and grab my arms.  I scream.  And try to fight.  Someone kicks my stomach, knocking the air out of me.  I gasp for air.

"Chess! Stop!" Clint yells.

I continue to try and struggle my way out.  A taser plants it self into my arm, and tases me.  The guards bring me to a tank, and shove me under.  Locking a lid over the top.  I'm too weak to teleport, and I can hear Clint yelling. 

Just before I drown, someone pulls me out of the tank.  Giving me a short breath of air, before shoving me back down.

Five dunks later

This time, they said I was gonna die in there. Clint screams, and I take my last good breath of air.  Seconds before I think I'm going to die, someone pulls me out. 

I look up, Natasha.

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