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"I'm the engineer! I'm the only one that's supposed to even touch the mixing board!" Benny argued with the four boys just days after they were signed. DeVante told them he had a few songs he wanted to get down, with perfect beats to match them. But, Benny was a stubborn engineer and wouldn't let the boys get near the production equipment, insisting they didn't know what they were doing.

"Get the fuck up, man!" Dalvin exclaimed. "If my brother wanna make the mothafuckin' beat he gone make the mothafuckin' beat!"

"Yo check it," DeVante slime humbly as always, "if you could even move over just a lil bit man, that would help. I got this melody in my head and this shit 'chu playin' ain't all."

K-Ci snorted watching his group argue with the engineer, he sighed sitting on the stool taking the headphones away from his head and sitting them around the mic. After Benny refused the group started to get rowdy again, he sighed. This time he wasn't even gonna try to stop them.

"Woah, woah, woah," a breath of relief came from K-Ci's mouth moments later once Dreamy walked in the studio followed by Andre. "Guys, what's going on in here?"

"Ole boy not lettin' De lay the beat!" Dalvin exclaimed.

"Cause you all don't know what the hell you're doin!" Benny argued back.

"Look, I got this melody in my head," DeVante spoke smoothly to Andre and Dreamy letting JoJo and Dalvin argue with Benny, "and this shit he playin' knockin' it all outta wack."

"And you know how to produce?" Dreamy asked quirking her brow up.

"He produced their whole demo." Andre said back before going over to tap Benny on the shoulder. "Get up, Ben."

"What? Are you serious right now? These guys-"

"Benny, just get the hell up...please." Dreamy sighed shaking her head as she furrowed her eyebrows at him. K-Ci was pissed yet amused at how hard he made things for them but submit so easily to Andre and Dreamy.

Once he had gotten up, DeVante sat and within 15 minutes their beat was laid and it was smooth alright.

"I gotta love!" DeVante started. Dalvin chimed in, along with K-Ci and then JoJo. K-Ci watched the amazed and amused faced of Andre and Dreamy contrast to Benny's salty one.

"Your place or mine! Tell me what will it be! I've got something I would like for you to see!" K-Ci test sung. DeVante nodded smiling, everything was coming together full circle.

"De, this one is a hit for sure!" Dalvin hyped.

"Now Ben," DeVante mumbled getting up from his seat standing next to Benny squeezing his shoulder, "Isn't that better than that old beat you were using? Yeah?" Benny shrugged him off, leaving the booth.

"Ha, that man pissed off." Jojo chuckled.

Andre laughed. "Alright, now is everything settled boys?"

"We straight." K-Ci shrugged.

"Okay, i gotta go handle some business...but don't hesitate to page me or Dreamy." Andre informed. "Come on, D." He said to her holding the door open.

"Oh," she looked at him then back at the boys and then him again, "I actually was gonna stick around for a that okay, guys?"

"Yeah, we don't mind." Dalvin shrugged.

"Guess I'm staying then."

"Okay?" Andre gave her a weird look. "Later guys." And with that he exited.

Dreamy breathed out once he left shaking her head. "He's so boring."

The boys chuckled and shrugged. K-Ci caught DeVante's eye and then smirked. "Aye Dream?"

"Yes, K-Ci."

"De scared to ask you this, so i will for him." He egged. Dreamy raised her brow averting her eyes between DeVante who sucked his teeth and a smirking K-Ci. "Did you go to...what school was it?"

"Baltimore School of Arts." Dalvin ended.

"I did actually," she admitted squinting her eyes, "how'd you guys know?"

"Donald...Donald DeGrate." DeVante muttered turning the chair to her direction.

She seemed a bit zoned out as she stared at his face trying to think back to when. Her eyes lit up and a smile spread over her lips. "Are you serious? Donald?" She smiled nearly raced over to him they shared a long hug before she pulled away from him. Looking over at Dalvin, he smiled shrugging before they shared a long lived hug as well.

"I left my files for—what is going on in here..." Andre questioned quirking his brow up.

"K-Ci helps reunite once again." K-Ci smirked cockily shrugging.

"Okay.." he and Dreamy share an unexplainable look which everybody seemed to catch. He leaves seconds later and DeVante thinks to speak up.

"Y'all uh—Y'all had somethin' goin' on?"

She pokes her tongue into her jaw before sighing going over to sit on the red leather couch in the corner. "I'm only telling you guys cause i trust you aren't snitches...or anything?"

"Hell nah, of course not." K-Ci speaks for everyone hurriedly.

"We were sleeping together, well in certain terms dating. Secretly though, employees at Uptown are forbidden to date.."

"Damn, what happened?" De asked.

"I broke it off with him a couple of days was becoming too much. But, it's over now. I guess he felt a little salty when he came up in here."

"Well, he need to get his shit together. Cause that salty shit ain't the look." Jojo cracked making everyone laugh. K-Ci looked down at his beeping pager deciding to use the phone in the corner of the studio. His girlfriend Kandyce was back in NC and had been blowing his phone up since last night.

"Hello?" Her soft voice mumbled through the phone.

"Hey baby, its me. Look, I'm in the studio right now...I can't really talk but-"

"Cedric, I'm pregnant."


Yeah LMFAO. I don't know this chapter is boring and I just wanted to see if i was gonna do other characters perspectives probably not. I don't like it.

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