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No One's Pov:

Lexa kissed the forehead of the sleeping girl and exited the tent meeting Clarke outside, Lexa stopped in front of the blonde healer Clarke made eye contact with the commander seeing the slight sheen of tears in the deadly green eyes of the leader.

Le:" Klarke you have done me a great service bringing y/n home" Clarke nodded proudly

Cl:" She's a fighter," Clarke said shankenly

Le:" That she is"

Le: "Since you have saved my family what is it can I do to thank you " Clarke paused for a moment. She had completely forgotten that she was trying to accomplish peace with the twelve clans. So without another moment, she looked back to Lexa.

Cl: "I would like to have peace with all the clans" Lexa smiled at the girl but quickly goes stone face.

Le: "Alright, for as long as my reign as heda we will have peace" Lexa held out her arm Clarke grabbed her forearm they shook firmly then let go of each other Lexa nodded proudly then began to walk to her tower before turning to Clarke one more time.

Le: "She spoke to me briefly, but fell asleep tomorrow we'll move her back to her room in the palace" Clarke nodded.

Le:"Thank you again Klarke" Clarke smiled and Lexa left to her tower, once she was gone Clarke walked into the tent and sat back beside Y/n, and began gently stroking the back of Y/n's hand with her thumb.

*Back in the Tower         

Lexa entered her room and dismissed her guards wanting to be alone, she dressed for bed losing her armor and war paint. She walked over to her discarded clothes and pulled out the raddy leather journal Clarke had handed her. She pushes her clothes away and sits on the edge of her bed opening the journal. It was all written in messy trid but Lexa understood and began to read.

First Letter:

Dear Leka,

Help, the mountain man captured me and I don't know what to do these men are bad, very bad. They have a bunch of us trapped here in cages barely dressed and weakened, I managed to steal this book and pen from a guard and I've hidden it under the fabric they dress us in I know they can't do anything about it. I don't know what they want from us Leka and I'm so scared. I'm going to try and escape but I am weak.

                                      Love Y/n 

Letter Two:

Dear Leka,

I know what they are doing to us, these dickheads are stringing us up and draining our blood to heal their people. Each day they take two people shock them till they pass out then hang them from their feet and forcefully shove a tube into their arm draining them till they are pale white. Then they throw them away like nothing, every day two die two come in it's horrible the worst part is I'm next goodbye Leka may we meet again. 

                                                                               Love Y/n

Lexa wiped her eyes and took a shaky breath turning the page of the journal

Letter Three:

Dear Leka,

I am alive! Yes, they didn't drain me of my blood because it's poison to them, two men died with my blood in them. They moved me into a healing room, they still don't know I have been writing which is good. I'm so happy to be alive and maybe my bad heart isn't so bad anymore.

                                                                                                                           Love Y/n  

Letter Four:

Dear Leka,

These people have been saying that people fell from the sky, I wonder if it's true

                                                                                      Love Y/n

Letter Five:

It is true the skai people are real, sounds like they're giving you a hard time all-powerful commander. I think you should let them live Leka, their leader sounds peaceful and smart maybe a little troublesome though.

                                                                               Love Y/n 

Lexa laughed at this, knowing fully well y/n was joking

Letter Six: 

Dear Leka

They're here the skai people, the mountain men captured them from their camp. They are nice especially the one they call Monty he is very smart and funny. But I like the one they call Klarke their leader, she's beautiful. She's kind and smart, she's an artist you know I saw here drawing one day. I want to know more about her but I'm scared to talk to her what if she says no. My, she's so stunning and sweet always taking care of her friends. I think she would make a great leader like you.

                                                                                  Love Y/n

Lexa smiled at this entry, she liked how her friend gushed about the blonde

Letter Seven:

Dear Leka,

I did it, I talked to her but I only warned her about what they were doing and how the cycle went. I told her that the doctors were talking strangely about the skai people and how strange they acted around them. But since I said that I fear Klarke is in danger and that the mountain men's leader might kill her. I wish I was brave like you Leka so I could protect her but I'm not.

                                                                                  Love Y/n

This time Lexa frowned but simply moved on to the next page, this entry was recent and was hastily written down. there was no dear just her name and the entry.


This will be my last entry for I fear my life will end very soon and if so this is what I have to say. I want you to know that I love you, you are my family and always will be. Ever since Klarke escaped they have been touching me and I know my time is near. I hope Klarke makes it and if she did and you find this please tell her I love her. Tell her that even though we've barely known each other the moment we made eye contact I've felt so much. I hope you storm this mountain and put an end to these motherfuckers once and for all.  

This time Lexa was crying, she didn't bother putting on a proud face she cried as she felt the pain of her friend at that very moment. Lexa cried and cried for an hour till she blotched her cheeks and stopped her sniffling. Lexa closed the journal and set it next to her bed, she wiped her cheeks and crawled into bed pulling the fur over her body, and fell asleep. 


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