To the Rescue

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No One's Pov:

Clarke carried your weight as the two of you ran through the dense forest and towards Ton DC as the grounders shouted victoriously as they passed the girls. The loss of blood was getting to y/n as she dragged her feet behind Clarke.

Y/n: "Klarke I can not, you need to go on without me"You breathe out beginning to feel sick but Clarke did not drop you she just pushed on.

Cl: "No y/n we're almost there just a little further" Clarke picks up speed but y/n feet fail and forcefully stop them.

Y/n:" Klarke ai gonplei ste odon"(My fight is over) She sadly looked into Clarke's grey-blue eyes but Clarke doesn't want to accept it.

Cl: "No" Clarke forcefully grabs you and pulls you along as she sprints to the grounder village barely making it inside. Clarke shouted for help as she fell through the gates, four people ran towards the fallen girl two rather large men picked y/n up gently and rushed her to the healer's tent a man and a woman helped Clarke up she thanked them and rush to the healer's tent. She pushed Niko away causing him to drop his knife Clarke threw away what was left of y/n's shirt revealing the large gashes that littered y/n upper chest arms and face.

Clarke forced everyone out of the tent and began to examine y/n, she demanded bandages and medicine from Niko.

Clarke's Pov:

I yelled to Niko for more bandages and medicine y/n was still bleeding and I needed to stop it before it was too late, as I continued to examine the damaged girl. Now that I could see her wounds closer i noticed the change in size and dept of each gash it made me sick as I treated the deeper wounds. Most of the wounds were shallow and looked to be from a small jagged knife a couple were thin but large it looked to be from some sort of leather strip like a belt. This filled me with a new sense of anger because y/n body was covered in these knife cuts but that wasn't the worse of it. Her beautiful fair face was caked in her own blood her left eye was swollen shut and her jaw was disconnected.

My heart sank deeper when they turned y/n over, her back was covered in the same thin and large cuts. That was the last straw my face flushed red why would someone want to harm such a quiet girl, but deep down I knew who did this and I would deal with it after I helped y/n. 

Y/n: "Klarke" you mumbled  and my heart sped up as this simple word escaped your lips

Cl: "I'm here," I said softly you smiled and didn't say another word my adrenaline pumped as I kicked into action I summoned Niko he rushed in with a small wooden bowl he began to mix it around in the bowl after a while. He hands it to me and I thank him. The bowl was full of a white paste it had a smell of herbs and seaweed.I dipped two of my fingers into the bowl and begin to dress the wounds. I go over the wounds with the paste and wrap them I repeat this over the many cuts. It took me hours but once i was done her entire chest and part of her arms were wrapped in bandages.

Cl: "Okay she's going to be fine she just needs rest" I announced but it was only me left in the large tent I didn't care all I could think about was destroying the man who hurt my y/n.

I sighed and watched y/n as her chest moved up and down with her breath, at least I saved her, I saved her.


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