Ask or Dare

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StingLu- Heeeeeeeyyyyyooooooo!
Erik- Shuuuuuuut Uuuuuuup!
StingLu- Never!
Carmine- Will ya look at who's back?
Alien- Back again?
Carmine- StingLu's back!
Alien- Tell a friend.
Carmine- Welcome back!
Laxus- I don't know why she's still here. I would have thought you two scared her away.
StingLu- Nope. And I have something fun planned for today.
Gajeel- *Turns to face Carmine. She practically run the place now don't she?
Carmine- Actually it's, 'She practically runs the place now, doesn't she?'
Gajeel- Wha-
Alien- Use proper grammar next time, MK?
Gajeel- Whatever.
Wendy- Be nice.
Gajeel- No!
Natsu- Aren't you scared of what she might do to ya?
Gajeel- Nope...
Carmine- *glares. You sure bout that? Cause I can be real scary.
Alien- But she's mostly evil.
Gajeel- Whatever.
Wendy- Anyways, we're doing another ask or dare?
Carmine- Yeah, exciting right.
StingLu- *grins creepily. Very.
All but Carmine, Alien, and StingLu- *shudder. Creepy.
StingLu- So I have a dare for Laxus.
Laxus- Shoot.
Carmine- Right, so stinglushiper dared you to, and I quote, "Have laxus just got off of the train then get hit in the nuts or with an wrecking ball."
All but Carmine and StingLu- WHAT?!
Laxus- No way I'm doing that!
Carmine- Yeah, I have to agree with that. It's a little too extreme. Sorry gurl.
StingLu- BITCH WHAT?!! But... You control the outcome! You're the damn author.
Carmine- Yes, but see, I have something different in mind for Laxus.
Laxus- What did I even do?!
StingLu- You weren't in the last chapter.
Erik- Sucka!
Laxus- Shut up!
Alien- Hey you dug your own grave here bud.
Laxus- I was out on a job!
Carmine- Too bad.
Laxus- No fair.
Carmine- Anywho, This dare is coming from both of us.
Erik- Loser
Carmine- I'll punish you too Erik if you don't shut up.
Alirn- Don't. Just don't.
Carmine- Anyways, your reformed dare is: Stand up on the outside of a bullet train for 20 seconds. You succeed, you live. You fail, you die.
StingLu- I like it. He could get seriously hurt.
Wendy- And he'll have an excuse for not being here for the next couple chapters.
Gajeel- Gehe.
Rogue- This is a terrible idea.
Sting- The worst.
Gajeel- Oh, I didn't know you two were here.
Alien- Gajeel!
Gajeel- What? I really didn't.
StingLu- Enough chit chat. Laxus has to do his dare!
Laxus- No!
Carmine- Ok, fine. If you don't want to do it I won't make you do it.
Laxus- Really?
Carmine- Nope. *Snaps fingers.
Right as Carmine snapped her fingers, Laxus mysteriously disappeared. The rest were magically teleported to in front of a gigantic TV.
Natsu- Whoa! How'd you do that?
Erik and Gajeel- That's what you're wondering?
Natsu- Yeah, I mean I thought Carmine was so boring and ordinary and not special.
Carmine- Oh, I'm so glad you said that! *Snaps finger.
Just as Laxus had, Natsu mysteriously disappeared.
All but Alien and Carmine- What did you do?
Alien- It's Author Magic.
StingLu- What?
Carmine- I am the all powerful Carmine. You're in my world now. I control end of. There's nothing I can't do!
Alien- While we're in here that is.
Carmine- *Nods and turns on TV lacrama.
Everyone looks to see Laxus and Natsu clinging to the roof of a bullet train.
Wendy- What did you do? Is this some kind of illusion?
Carmine- No, this is very much real.
Natsu on TV- Where the hell are we?
Laxus on TV- Doing my dare.
Natsu on TV- Why me though?
Carmine- Poor idiots. The only way to get out is if they complete the dare.
StingLu- Heh, this is way better. This could go on for hours.
Erik- I'm not getting on your bad side.
Carmine- How smart.
Wendy- So while we're waiting for them, what are we going to do.
Carmine- Well we have a question from spaced_out_alien.
All look at her.
All but Carmine and Alien- We do?
Alien- I do?
Carmine- Yeah, at the beginning, you asked who I shipped you with.
Alien- But didn't you already tell me?
Sting- And didn't you say already?
Carmine- Yes, but I didn't list everyone.
Dragon Slayers- There's more?
Carmine- There's Rogue-
Rogue- Good God.
Carmine- Aaron-
Alien- Someone who I do not like whatsoever.
Carmine- Erik-
Erik- *blushes a tiny bit.
Carmine- And finally, we got Erza.
Alien- Why?
Carmine- Cause I can.
Alien- Alright.
Carmine- *looks at TV. Anyways, since those two aren't done yet, I think we should end off here.
Alien- Yeah that'd be best.
Sting- What about Natsu and Laxus?
StingLu- Huh?
Carmine- I'll watch over them while y'all are gone.
Alien- Haha.
Carmine- Anywho, if you liked this, then make sure you vote on this and comment a question or a dare. Maybe Laxus and Natsu will be done by next chapter, maybe they won't. Again, sorry to stinglushiper for not using your original dare, but I hope this made up for it.
StingLu- We'll see.
Alien- And make sure you follow all of us for more content. Especially me. That's spaced_out_alien.
All- Bye!

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