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We were angrily walking as I stop sniffing.

"What's wrong Natsu-ni?" Romeo asks as I sniff again.

"What did you smell Natshu?" Happy asks as I turn around the bush behind us.

"Zeref" I say as the duo's mouth drop.

Zeref came out the bush smiling.

"Hi there, my name is Zeref Dragneel, pleased to meet you, my dear beloved little brother..."

Their mouths drop.



[A/N: Bet ya all know how Zeref is related to Natsu right?]

After Zeref explaining, the trio made an 'O' expression.

"If you're Natsu-ni's big brother, can I call you Zeref-ni too?" Romeo asks as Zeref nods.


"Hey Natsu, mind asking?"

"Hm? Sure thing" Natsu responds.

"Uhm.... If you would mind explaining, how were you betrayed?" I ask.

Suddenly, his aura darkened that it's so frightening.

"I thought they were my family, but I was wrong... they betrayed me... Not even making me explain that it wasn't me who killed and burned the town and its innocent people... Even Lucy, I thought she loved me... But she was just a freakin bitch who betrayed me too! I-" he was cut off when I sighed.

"Calm down Natsu, don't worry, I'll help you...." I paused then continued.

I was cut off when Zeref-ni sighed.

"Calm down Natsu, don't worry, I'll help you..." he paused then continued, "As a big brother...." he smiles as my eyes widen.

That's right... I have a real family... I cannot lose....

I grinned then hugged him.

"Thanks brother! You're really the best!" he chuckles as Romeo joins us, together with Happy.

"I'll help you too Natsu-ni!" Romeo grins as Happy says, "Aye!"

We stayed like that for minutes.


"So where are we going now
Zeref-ni?" Natsu asks.

Zeref smiled. "We can call Invel"

Zeref called him as Invel appears in front of him followed by, "Greeting your majesty"

Zeref nodeed as Invel turned around and was startled by the trio's presence.

"Enemies?!" he says as he readies his stance.

Zeref pats his shoulder.

"No Invel, the salmon haired man is my dear beloved brother, Natsu Dragneel"

Invel immediately bowed down in front of Natsu as Natsu sweat drops.

"Apologies prince!"

"Uh........ Ooookkkk.....???" Natsu sweat drops as Zeref chuckles.

"The little one is Romeo while the blue cat is Happy"

"Pleased to meet you" Invel bows as they greet each other.

Zeref explained to them that he was the emperor at Alvarez while Natsu is the prince.

That made the trio with an 'O' expression.

"So how are we going to Alfadez?" Natsu tilts his head.

"It's Alvarez Natsu" Zeref smiles.

"When are we going there Zeref-ni?" Romeo asks.

"We can go by my special ship"

"Aye!" says Happy as his ears perked up.

"Oh no..." Natsu says as his face turns to fifty shades of green.

Zeref raised an eyebrow as Romeo explains to him why.

"Don't worry Natsu, Invel has a medicine for uh... motion sickness like yours" Zeref smiles as Natsu jumps up and down like a kid.

"I'll go to Adviel now to get that medicine!!" Natsu sprinted as Zeref face palms.

"Well, Alvarez here we come"   

Natsu's almighty revengeWhere stories live. Discover now