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I groggily opened one eye. I groan as I sat up in bed groaning.

I felt a warm hand as I look down.

Oh... It's just you... Sakura...

She twitched as I smile.

"Morning sleepy head..." I greet as she smiles.


Uh... I don't feel like waking up... So tired... Wait... We all collapsed yesterday... So that means...

I open my eyes lazily as I look around.

I looked at my beautiful fiancee as I smile.

That's when I noticed we came back.

"Zeref-ni must have brought us back...." I mumble as I sat up in bed when I felt a hand stop me.

I look down when I saw Akira covering herself as I chuckle.

"Morning beautiful..."


I chuckle once more as I tickle her.

"I said, morning beautiful~!" I say as she squeals.

"Ok, ok... Morning... Kya! Stop! I'm so ticklish!!" she laugh.


"Can you see if they are awake Happy?" I ask.

"Aye sir!!!"

That's when we heard voices.

"We really slept for hours huh

"Haha... Yea! It's so cool right!? It's already 10:00 and we won't even dare to wake up!!"

"So lively early in the morning huh?" I chuckle.

"Aye sir!!"

"Morning brother!" greeted Natsu.

~At Fairy Tail~

Everyone wasn't in the mood.

They were standing with their heads down, mourning for their dead members from that traumatic bloody battle.

Things were head like,

"I'm so sorry..."

"You've done well"

"May you rest in peace..."


"Natsu had done it... No choice but to fight until death..." Makarov said sadly with pain as he leaves.

"What happened... Flame brain?!" Gray cried as he punches the tree behind him as Lucy hugs him.


Makarov was seating in his chair at his office.

He sighs.

That bloody battle really left us pain and sorrow... he thought.

He reads the bloody letter once more.

Dear Traitors,
   I hope you learned your lesson...
           Until then,
                    Zeref Dragneel

He crumples it as he throws it in the trash can.

"How's your wound Natsu?" Zeref ask with concern.

Natsu grins and said, "Great! Tnx to END, I can heal much faster!"

Zeref sighed of relief.

"So are you still gonna fight them?" Happy asks.

"Nah, they already got their lesson.. They better NOT bother us OR THEY'LL REGRET IT"

"Got that right Natsu-ni" Romeo said boringly as he yawns in the couch.

"Where's Akira and Sakura?" asks Zeref.

"They went shopping. Something like girly things" Natsu shrugs.

"They're girlsh after all" Happy said while eating his fish.

"Better get a girlfriend too Zeref-ni.... You're gonna grow old alone~" Natsu teased.

"Yea yea... You'll get sad there forever~" teased Romeo.

"Good luck there... Your highness~" added Happy.


"Just because I'm single doesn't mean I'm lonely!! You stupid brothers!!!! Happy, you too!!!" I shouted annoyed.

"Gah!! Let's run!!!!" the trio shouts as they run.

Zeref was chasing the trio having fun while teasing each other.

"Boo hoo.. Come and get us single brother~!" Natsu laughs.

"Neh neh neh neh neh... Better go and get a girlfriend single brother~!" Romeo laughs.

"I wish you happiness, Your Highness~!" Happy laughs as he flies faster.

"How bout you all go and make me food huh?! Go and make me dinner!!" Zeref laughs as he runs after the bullying trio.

Zeref reached Natsu while Natsu grabs Romeo as Romeo grabs Happy.

They all fell and oof!

They all laugh as they tickle each other.

~Time Skip~

"Well, that was fun" Natsu smiles.

"Yep" Romeo and Happy says.

"You bet" Zeref chuckles.

The door opened and stood Akira and Sakura carrying many things.

"We're home~" they said lazily.

"Did you both have fun?" Natsu asks as he goes over to Sakura.

"Yep, we did!" the duo smiles.

"How bout you guys? Can tell you played" Sakura giggles.

"Bingo!" they grin as they laugh.


Natsu's almighty revengeWhere stories live. Discover now