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"I love the way you've put yourself together, I love the way you make that body bend"

Everyone who thought they knew Louis assumed that the quite English major had never been kissed. He constantly said no to going out with the guys that he went to university with. And no one has ever seen him hug a man besides Niall, his best friend. But what only Niall knows is that Louis wasn't what everyone seems to think. Louis works at the high end, house of balloons strip club owned by Abel Tesfaye and Lamar Taylor. Louis was shameless when it came to being a dancer even went by the name little Lou because he doesn't care who knows his name.

Lou starts most of his work nights the same, he does a dance on the pole to bring in money, then he does private dances, well a private dance.

Harry styles is a rich model and a CEO of styles records, at the prime age of 25, he is considered one the most eligible bachelor's and is the youngest billionaire in Europe and America. What nobody except Zayn knows is that Harry has a soft spot for a certain blue eyed dancer.

Most nights Harry can be found at HOB, when he isn't busy running his empire, always waiting for little Lou to get off stage so he can spend thousands of dollars on private dances with the boy.

Everytime they're together it's the same thing. Harry tells Lou how good he looks and that he liked how he dance tonight and it always ends with Harry fucking Louis into the wall until they both finish. Then acting like it didn't happen because Louis is a professional and nobody can know he isn't one for Harry.
Soo that was the first chapter, I'm really excited for this.

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