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The town

"And you deserve your name On a crown, on a throne"

Harry craved louis like addicts craved drugs. He truly thought the stripper should be royalty, for just looking at his body was a blessing.

But Harry also craved attention from other people, even though they did not make him feel nearly as good as Louis made him feel. The young bachelor often had a new girl or guy or multiple every night he did not see louis. But, one thing they couldn't do regardless of how many people he sleep with that night is make him feel satisfied, only Louis could.

Louis only works Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. Thursday being the most special to him but, that is a story for a different time. When he isn't at work he is studying with this teacher's assistant, Liam, well not really studying but, fucking. They agreed not to tell anyone, because Liam is seen to be straight and Lou likes the feeling of knowing everyone thinks he's pure, there is no feelings between these two because they both know those are pointless.

It's Tuesday night and Louis is excited to see Harry although he will never admit it out loud because "feelings are for the weak". He starts his dance and searches the room for those green eyes. Seeing them fuels the passion behind every spilt, every turn, and every butt shake.

As he exits the stage Harry is quick to hand him his cash so Lou will spend the night entertaining him. The men who run the private rooms already know the deal and escorts them to their sound proof room.

"I missed you last night baby girl, did you miss me?"

"Of course, daddy. Should we start?"

Lou presses shuffle on his playlist  made by the club of songs that are specific to him. wus good/ curious starts to play and Lou starts grinding and kissing Harry's neck knowing just how to get him ready. As soon as the song transition to curious he drops on his knees and puts a condom on Harry then, takes Harry in his mouth and down his throat. Moving up and down Harry finishes into one of the few condoms going to be used in the next few hours.

Louis knows he isn't Harry's only partner so he always makes sure he is safe and gets tested regularly.

The night end how Louis's nights always end when Harry is involved, up against the wall cumming on to Harry's and his chest.

So the way I decided to do this is add more and more vivid scences as it goes along yuh dig??
-p ❤️

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