1. She's a killer

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The song is suppose to represent how Teresa feels about her uncle


Living in Virginia

All Copyrights Reserved

©2015 Daneane Johnson

"Teresa! Sweet heart come back!" My father called out to me.

"No." I muttered as I flung my suitcases in the car.

"Just give her one more chance. Please, Teresa if not for her do it for me." My fathers hand brushed against my cheek.

"She has never deserved any chances." I said meeting his gaze."You on the other hand had way to many." I smacked his hand away from me. I closed my trunk and started making my way into the car. I didn't get far before my dad grabbed my wrist. I turned around quickly.

"Your mom is right, maybe we should have never had you. Your a killer!" Venom spilled from his words.

His grip around my wrist tightened. I knew that I angered him. Now just like all those other times he'll want to hit me, but not this time I won't let it happen.My father was easily angered. When he was not abusing my mom, my siblings or me he would be nice and peaceful. When I was very young he used to make me smile and laugh.

My heart sank at the memories of what used to be. As I got older my dad changed. My mothers always hated me, but my dad tried to love me. I gave him so many chances to. I mentally laughed at myself for my foolishness.

I tried so hard to love my parents. Even when my dad snapped on me for no reason and threw me down the stairs, or when he gave me a big bruise on my back because he was mad at my mom. She had left after an argument and I got the after math. Still after all those beating I swore up and down that he loved me. My mom was even more worse than my dad. She didn't have to physically abuse me because she mentally abused me.

After reminiscing about old times I couldn't remember a day that she called me by my name. I was always"that child" or "it". It even got so bad that my uncle Tom and aunt Mavis had to take me in. They were more of parents to me than my own mother and father. Now that uncle Tom's gone everything's gone downhill. I could feel the water works coming.

I struggled out of my fathers grip and into my car. I heard my father kick the car, but I didn't bother to look back. I plunged the key into the engine and it roared to life instantly. Then, I sped off down the road on my way to Virginia.

By now I was on the verge of tears. How did my life turn out to be so messed up? I was suppose to come home from college and be happy. I had a nice paying job and everything was going so good. Tears rolled onto my clothing in bundles.

My eyes were blurry so I pulled over. I couldn't wrap my mind around how all this happened so fast. Why did it always have to be me who suffered? I hit the staring wheel and screamed.

I brought my knees to my chest."If only you were here uncle Tom." I muttered as I laid my head back."Everything would be fine if I had you." I cried.

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