Story time

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So in chapter one there was a character named Fernando.Jungkook's bully yeah him.Well he is based on a real person that I haven't seen since 2nd grade.His name was Fernando Garcia.He bullied me but I really liked him.I thought he was super cute but know that I look at my year book he looked like a duck.Okay moving on so there was a slight problem with my crush.One of my used to be friends liked him too.I remember the day she told me.I was coloring like a normal little kid but I wasn't so yeah.Then my friend abbony yes that is her name I thought it was bunny but I was wrong.So she went up to me and whispered in my ear that she liked Fernando.And I also liked his so I got mad but I didn't say anything.So I was really jealous when I was small so I told him.I told him in the restrooms.he just said okay but I was proud.While this was happening my mom told me that this kid named Julio liked me.I would go to his house after school because he had a trampoline that's the only reason I didn't even know we went to the same school.Of course I listened to my mom and stopped going to his house but I missed the trampoline and maybe him and his little sister.I told him we were to small to date and he looked at me crazy.Now that I think about him what if he didn't even like me.And then he moved so bye bye trampoline..I mean Julio.Okay back to the Fernando think the other problem was that everybody was saying he liked my best friends.Ana and Alexia tall and skinny girls that have no fucken acne like what the helll.He would always talk to them but he would bully me and say I farted until I cried I was really emotional when I was small....or I still am I don't know.Then one day I was washing my hands and he walks out the boys bathroom.He looks at me and I got scared because first he was my crush and he also a bad boy.At my elementary we had two paddles.If you were really bad they would ask your parents for permission to him you with the small one or the huge one.He did it twice but he wasn't cool my elementary was weird.If you were in the smart classes you were cool and popular if you were stupid you were a loser.I was smart but still not at the top but I had friends in them so I hangout with them sometimes.Okay so back to the restroom I looked down and then he said hey.I looked up and he said that he liked me I was so happy and about to say I liked his too.But then he said just playing and washed his hands and left I felt like shit.Then I told my friend alexia and well she always once to be better than everybody and do whatever other people do.She is a follower but she still my best friend she was a shy smart girl but then she met me and turned crazy.When I told her she didn't say anything for a while.Then she said he did the same thing to her sure whatever.After that day he kept bullying me until third grade came and he moved.I started hanging out with the boys and beat them up and that's the story of why don't I have a boyfriend.

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