Part 15(Taehyung's P..O.V)

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Ugh I woke up and my eyes were swollen.Im still mad at Jungkook for saying that it really hurt me even if he was playing.I walked out of the room one of the co-pilots were sleeping.Shouldn't he be working.I went to wake him up but when I moved him.He fell to the floor he had a bullet hole through his shirt where his heart is.On no I ran to the where the controls are and the pilot was dead on the other seat.While someone I didn't know as controlling the plane.

Taehyung:who are you
Unknown:nobody knows my name(he put the plane on auto-pilot and got up)but I know you know me
Taehyung:Mr.X what brings you here
Mr.X:you stole two precious things from me and I want them back
Taehyung:oh I was just taking what belongs to me
Mr.X:Jungkook was yours but the little girl is my daughter(I started laughing)
Taehyung:you actually think she is yours please she looks nothing like you or Jungkook she looks like me and she is my daughter are you that stupid you never noticed it
Mr.X:that's a lie she is mi-
Jungkook:no she is not!and she will never be understood she is taehyung's
Mr.X:baby he has just drugged you she is our daughter remember you said she was mine
Jungkook:first don't call me baby second I lied because if I told you the truth you wouldn't have let me keep her
Mr.X:get them!

I grabbed Jungkook and pulled him to the room.I told him to get Mina and get the emergency kit.The knocking on the door grew louder as they screamed to open the door.I grabbed two parachutes and a air mask for Mina it would be hard for her to breath since we are high in the sky.Me and Jungkook put them on I got another emergency kit just in case.Then I got a float and life guards for us.Then I got an emergency phone.I looked at Jungkook I hugged him and told him to get in back of me.I grabbed a blanket and opened the door tangling them together with it.

I pushed them away and opened the door grabbed Jungkook's hand and jumped out.We looked down the dark blue sea under us I told him to pull the sting of the chute.As he did it snapped he started panicking.I hugged him and pulled mine and we went up.Mina was just having the time of her life.I grabbed the float I had on my back and popped it open.It inflated itself I dropped it and hold on to it we only had two and we needed them both.I told Jungkook to get Mina a little higher we didn't want her to get wet.When we got into the water we put Mina in first then Jungkook then me.We all laid down our chests going up in down trying to calm ourselves from the rush in our hearts.I grabbed the emergency phone and called yoongi.It took a while for him to pick up.
(On phone)
Yoongi:what do you want shouldn't you be having the time of your life right now
Taehyung:about that we were attacked or hijacked I guess both we are in the middle of fucken no where on a float and Mina is getting hungry and so are we and well we forgot the baby formula
Yoongi:okay I just texted namjoon and he is already tracking you just sit back maybe have a quick fuck until we pick you up and which yacht do you want to be picked up on
Taehyung:are you really asking me that
Yoongi:yeah I just did
Taehyung:well the black one that one would be badass
Yoongi:ok see yah and why didn't you kick them out you would've easily beat them
Taehyung's:then I wouldn't feel badass and I didn't want to risk them getting hurt
Yoongi:okay bye
I put the phone down.

Taehyung:they are tracking us down and they will be here I don't know how long so you want to-
Jungkook:I heard what he said and no now excuse me as me and Mina have some beauty sleep since some people didn't let us
Jungkook:no butts now try to catch a fish or something

He turned around hugging Mina who was already asleep.Maybe fishing wouldn't be hard.I already getting ready until I noticed I don't have a fishing pole or bait so there was no point.And now I feel stupid like really stupid.I laid down and snuggled against Jungkook.And drifting off to sleep.

Or staring at his ass the whole time.

Actually I will go to sleep it's really hot.I got Mina's blanket and covered her I didn't want the sun to hurt her soft skin.
812 words

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