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"When you were born, your mother was killed." Sarah's aunt explained in a frightened way.  "Your  real father.. is Michael Myers.." her voice trailed off, as the crickets chirped loudly. "But Uncle Benny said she died when she gave birth to me-" "She was killed by him, he wanted you and she tried her best to protect you. She left you in the front of the Haddonfiled Adoption Center before she died.." she interrupted.
Sarah's eyes filled with tears. "Why didn't anyone tell me? Is this a sick joke or something? Please tell me, aunt Clara that it is," she panicked.

The woman just shook her head and wept, for it was true. All of it. "It's not a joke, Sarah..  After he killed her, he came looking for you but he wasn't successful. But now... Now he knows where you are, and he's very angry."

Sarah rushed to the phone in panic, dialing her psychiatrist. She figured this wasn't someone to call this late at night but she had no one else, her parents were dead, and only her aunt was around. A raspy voice came through the phone. "Yes, this is Loomis," he answered. "Dr. Loomis, it's Sarah.. your patient. I need to talk to you about something important.." Loomis chuckled, guessing it was her usual illusions. "Why of course, tell me, what is it? Are you seeing faces in the walls again?"
She hestitated and took a deep breath. "No sir.. it's about Michael Myers." The phone became silent, until Loomis insisted that he would be on his way over, then quickly hung up.

An hour passed, Loomis got out of the old '57 Chevy and went inside the house, where he was greeted with a cup of hot tea. "What is so important about him that you have the need to discuss?" He asked patiently, slowly taking a sip. "I wanna know about him, I only know a bit from people. Would you please inform me? It'll help." The calendar read OCTOBER 28, 2003. The clock struck eleven and it began to rain. Dr. Loomis let out a sigh and began to speak. "You wanna know about Michael Myers? I'll tell you, but get comfortable, it's a long story."

Halloween: The Night He Came BackWhere stories live. Discover now