Chapter 12

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"I still have human blood in my vein."Shuhua said as she look at her own hand.Hearing that make Yeri and the others shocked.

It their first time they heard that Shuhua have human blood in her."Are you kidding us?You doesn't smell like a human."V said as he sniff to Shuhua.Shuhua's scent doesn't seem like a human.

"Well that because I'm not full human.I am just half being."Shuhua said.

"Could it"Joy said as she look at Shuhua.Shuhua nodded her head.”I am half human.I may not look like it but I am half demon.An immortal demon.”Shuhua said,making Yeri and the others open their mouth wide.

“Soojin unnie...”Shuhua murmured as she glance at Soojin.Soojin was trying to fight the poison.The poison almost spread her whole body.

Shuhua stretched her arm to Soojin,nearer to her mouth so that Soojin could bite her arm and suck her blood.

“Unnie,please drink my blood.”Shuhua said to Soojin.Soojin heard what Shuhua said,so she nodded.Soojin quickly bite Shuhua’s arm.Shuhua moarned loudly when she could felt Soojin’s fang pierced her arm and started sucking her blood.

The poison that spread through Soojin’s body slowly fading away.As Soojin continue sucking Shuhua’s blood,the poison started to disappear from her body.

Soojin’s fang let go of Shuhua’s arm.Soojin awake and open her eyes seeing Shuhua infront of her.”Shuhua....”She spoke.Shuhua notice that Soojin already awake.She couldn’t control her excitement,so Shuhua quickly hugged Soojin.

“Unnie,you alright!”Shuhua said as she broke up her tear.Her tear stream through her cheek.Soojin just smile and hugged Shuhua back.

“Soojin unnie papo.I thought you going to leave me.”Shuhua said.Soojin broke the hug and patted Shuhua’s head.”I won’t leave you.I’m strong.”Shuhua said as she smile.Then both of them started to hug again.

Yeri,Irene,V and Joy were watching Soojin and Shuhua hugging each other.They were so happy that Soojin is finally recovered from poison.

“I guess we just leave them like that.”Yeri said as she smile,looking at Soojin and Shuhua.

Their peace suddenly interupted when all of them except Irene sense a powerful magic.It was Suga,suddenly appear in front of them.”So,you already cure your friend from poison,eh?”Suga said as he walked toward them with his snake wrapped around his neck.

Yeri glared at Suga.She don’t want to forgive Suga from attacking Soojin.Yeri was about to run toward him but a hand suddenly appear in front of her.Yeri look at the hand who blocking her and it was V.

“Let me fight him.”Said V while cracking his knuckle to ready for fight.
“Are you really going to fight him.”Asked Yeri worriedly.V nodded his head.”I hate sitting here watching you fight.Seeing you getting beaten by them making me sick.But do not worry about me.I will beat his ass up.”V reassure Yeri.

Yeri smile.Hearing what V had said making her not worry about V.”Do not lose to him,V.”Yeri said as she smile again.V smile back and turned to look Suga who was just standing there watching them.

“Now go.Don’t worry about me.”V said.

Yeri look at Irene,Soojin,Shuhua and Joy and the 5 of them nodded.They then quickly run,leaving V behind to fight Suga.

“Now let’s-“Before V finish her sentences,Suga quickly landed a punch on V’s face and he fall back.As V’s back almost touch the ground,Suga going to kick V.V saw it and he quickly dodge it with Suga’s kick landed on the ground,causing a earthquake on the ground.

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