☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 1

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The brunette woman toyed with the disc in her hand as she crouched down in front of her Playstation 2, having wiped off a layer of caked on dust after years of disuse in favor of the XBOX 360's newer games. On the disc the protagonist of the game she was currently toying with seemingly aimed at nothing off to her side as she examined.

If he were real he'd be quite the ladies' man - the woman decided.

The protagonist of this game had light brown - almost blonde hair cut in a rather cute fashion, some of his bangs covering one of his blue eyes slightly. It also helped that he looked rather fit as well, with good muscle tone...

She finally popped the disc into the Playstation before standing up and hopping onto her bed, nearly losing her prized leather cowboy hat right off her head from the sudden movements to the bed. She hesitated once more at the 'New Game' option.

It's not that she didn't want to play a new game, it just so happened that she was picky about her gaming. Always had been. Though her friends did say the Resident Evil series was good, especially this fourth one....

Than again, they had also said that Halo was good and she despised that franchise...

'Screw it,' the woman decided, smashing her thumb down upon the 'X' button and starting the new game. She soon became immersed in the game, the darkness of her room that night helping the game's atmosphere along nicely as her controls were jerky and jumpy at the sudden enemies and their shear number.

"Oh Jesus!" the woman shouted and aiming the gun at what she thought as an enemy. Only to find the digital enemy already impaled to the wall of the cabin with a pitchfork through the head. Her jaw dropped at the imagery of it all before a smirk overtook the shock; "Dude, that's so fuckin' deranged... Naturally, I love it!"

And so she continued with her gameplay quickly starting up the village battle and once again receiving a wonderful (in her opinion) adrenaline rush from the chase the Chainsaw man, Dr. Salvador, gave and the enemy's refusal to die. Her dark brown eyes widened behind her glasses as Dr. Salvador cornered her and began to viciously scream and chop off Leon's head.

Of course, the woman refused to believe this, quickly jerking the joysticks in either direction and mashing down random buttons as if that would help, all the while screaming; "No! NO! Bitch-face! Get your ass back up, Leon! It's just a flesh wound!"

The 'You Are Dead' screen popped up and she failed to notice the glitchy nature of the usually ominous screen, having never seen it before to recognize something was wrong. "No, really?" she snorted sarcastically, controller in her lap as she threw a hand up in exasperation. "I thought he was still living! His head's just over in the corner and all, no one needs their brain to function and live!"

She clicked the 'X' button again ready to give it another go. Nothing happened, however. Her eyes narrowed and she clicked again, slowly and more hesitantly this time. The screen seemed to flash slightly with snow before reverting back to the 'You are Dead' screen. She blinked in surprise and was moving to go and check to see if something was wrong with her Playstation (it wouldn't be the disc, discs never screwed up like this...).

As she touched the screen to move the TV around and check on the jacks plugged into the back of it a resounding flash of light surrounded her vision and blinded her. No sound reached her ears - only white could be see and she wasn't even sure if that was because she had been blinded by a white light or if that was how the place always looked.

"So, this is the one you've chosen, huh?" sounds out a male's voice, deep and amused-sounding. The voice seemed to echo and bounce off of nothing - it was impossible to pinpoint the location of the voice. "Kinda scrawny, don't you think?"

☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ Jack KrauserWhere stories live. Discover now