I Didn't Expect to See You Here

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Natalie, I miss you." I said, looking down at her grave. "You didn't deserve this to happen to you. No one deserves this. I wish you were still here with us. You always made us laugh."

I looked down, feeling tears stream down my face, and then a soft, warm hand against my cheek. I look up and see no one there. I put my hand to the cheek I felt the hand, then put the roses on her grave. I stand there, grieving for a few more minutes in silence. Finally, I started to leave. I turned around one last time, looking at her grave, and give a sad smile.

~Time Skip~

On my way back, I here the sounds of cheering come from a building. I walked up to the building and read the sign.

"'Free show tonight. New band just trying to get out there.'" I read aloud. "Eh, why not?"

I walked in through a crowd of people, trying to get to the front. When I finally got to the front, Vanessa and her band are on the stage. After her song ended, she looked around the crowd until we made eye contact. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Okay, so one of my closest friends is here today and he really means a lot to me. So I would just like to invite him up here for a few minutes to publicly thank him for everything he's done for me." Vanessa said, getting cheers in response. She waved for me to come up on the stage and I waved to the crowd, before Vanessa hugged me, although it felt like more of a tackle to me. "This man here saved my life and put his life in danger! He plays football at Willow University and he risked his entire football career for me! So if you time, go check out their first game in a few weeks! It's a home game against our biggest rivals!"

The crowd broke out into cheers, and I started to get a little embarrassed.

"Hey Vanessa? Can I get down now?" I ask

"Nope! In fact, you get to stay up here for the rest of the show!" Vanessa said, calling for a chair. They put the chair down on the side of the chair, but still enough for people to see me. Vanessa kissed me on the cheek before starting her show up again. I moved backwards a little bit so no one else could stare at me with either jealousy or admiration.

~Time Skip~

After another hour, the show finally ended and the place was clearing out.

"Thanks for coming (Y/n), but how did you know we were having a show tonight?" Vanessa asked me

"I didn't, I was just out doing something and happened to walk by."

"Really? That's a strange coincidence. What were you doing anyway?"

"I was just visiting an old friend." I said, smiling sadly. I tried to hide the sadness, but Vanessa caught on pretty quick.

"Um, hey! Why don't you come back stage and help us pack all our things?"

I pulled out my phone to check the time and saw it was a little after ten o'clock.

"Sure, why not." I said, getting up and folding the chair.


We went backstage and Vanessa introduced me to her band mates.

"Guys, this is (Y/n). (Y/n), this is my band." Vanessa said

"Wait, (Y/n)? Isn't he the one that you follo-" One of her band mates started before Vanessa went up to him and whispered something in his ear. He smiled fearfully and waved. "Nice to meet you (Y/n)."

"Anyway, we're going in the back to pack up my things."

We go into the back and I helped her pack her guitar and microphone along with her speakers.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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