| ✘ | If Nothing is True | ✘ | Altair [2/10]

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Adalia grinned proudly, wearing the assassin robes of the trainees. Altair eyed her up and down in the new garb, having finally agreed to the position of 'Master' after several days of Adalia's persistence that he do so.

'This is going to be a rough trial...' he found himself thinking. He might be open-minded but he knew a lot of the men around the fortress were not; happy to think of women as tools for them alone. A thing to be seen and not heard.

A giggle left Adalia's lips as she twirled around in the robes, causing Altair's lips to quirk up into a smirk. It wasn't often the woman partook in anything feminine and that twirl was arguably a girly thing to do.

"How do I look?" she inquired, holding her arms out to better show off the garb.

"Like an assassin, Adalia, what else?"

She stuck her tongue out at him for the bland answer.


A grunt escaped her as she hit the ground hard and rolled, losing her sword in the process. The training rink was surrounded with dozens of the assassins - watching the first woman assassin train against one of the new boys. The air was filled with the sounds of their jeering and derogatory comments.

"Ha!" her training partner snickers, pointing his own sword at her from his position several yards away. "Little girls should stay in the kitchen where they belong, you know!"

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't be strong, too!" Adalia roars, grasping the hilt of the sword and heaving herself up again to throw herself back into the sparring fight.


Behind the crowd, his arms crossed over his chest, Altair seemed to swell with pride at the sight of Adalia not giving up.

It was a strange feeling, really - but not an unwelcome one.

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