11 - uh oh

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for the next few weeks, everything went fine. The manager came by once a week to make sure you guys were fine.

This morning however, just like the past few mornings, you woke up earlier, overcome by a sudden wave of dizziness as you sprinted to the bathroom, dropping in front of the toilet and throwing up.

"noona? Are you sure you're okay?" BamBam asked as he sleepily waddled in and you nodded.

"You've been doing this for a few days now" he said as he looked concerned. "is there anything that could have made you ill?" he said. You thought back, you hadn't ate anything bad. You were just confused as you shook your head. BamBam helped you up, helping you to the couch. He sat in front of you and held your hands "Mari, I know it sounds gross, but have you and Mark?.. you know... done it?" he asked.

You thought, your mind remembering the night you had with Mark.

"no.... no! no!" you cried out, you looked down and placed your hands on your stomach "BamBam, do you think?" you asked, BamBam shrugged.

"I'll buy you a test, just calm down and don't worry. Relax i'm sure it's just a tummy bug" he said softly, puling on his shoes as Mark came down stairs. 

"baby, are you okay? I heard crying" he cooed, coming over and wiping your eyes.

"not until you're sure" BamBam mouthed and you smiled at Mark.

"I've just not been too well" you said, Mark sat you down and covered you in blankets, bringing you a warm tea as BamBam walked back in.

"Bammie, could you take care of her whilst I complete this schedule, I'll be around 30 mins" he id and BamBam nodded, waving sweetly as he left. Yugyeom came downstairs just as BamBam threw her the test.

"Go and take it" he said, softly. Yugyeom looked around sleepily

 "Take what?" he asked.

"not you, babe" Bam smiled, kissing his forehead as you left to the bathroom. You walked back out, leaving the test on some tissue, you waited.

You checked it a few minutes later and gasped, BamBam ran over "what does t say?" he eagerly asked, Yugyeom looked over to you both.

"It says I've just single-handedly ended Mark's career." you said, shakily. 

Mark walked through the door and you ran upstairs, hiding the test in the top drawer before pretending to be asleep. Mark walked into the bedroom, seeing you were "asleep" he kissed your forehead taking his shoes off and joining you. You gently moved slightly further away. Mark rolled over and shut off his phone, he opened up his top draw and put in his phone, confused at the bunch of tissue. He picked it up and went to throw it away until he felt  hard object inside. He curiously unrolled it, finding a positive pregnancy test.

"Marissa?" He whispered

'uh oh' you thought.

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